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Joked with the students on the bus this morning. Today is the last full day of school, half day tomorrow. Got on microphone and stated, last full day, got a big cheer. Then I did a knock knock joke. Knock knock, and just a few responses. I didn't hear you all. Knock knock, then I got a solid, who's there. I said boo, they replied, boo who. I said, don't cry, you will be back to school in 3 months. Lots of laughs, was good fun. Best of all of course, I have summer off just like the students.

Mark013 7 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Are you the teacher or the bus driver?

I am the driver.

@Mark013 Do you enjoy it? How old are the kids on the bus? And do you get paid for those three months when you are off?

@Jolanta I like it but you need to be tolerant to a point. When they get too out of hand a loud voice does wonders. They are children full of youthful energy but you have to keep some order. I drive kindergarten through sixth grade students. During summer I get unemployment. It's not much but helps pay expenses.


HAH! I'll bet they like you a lot! Anyone who can drive a school bus is my hero!

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