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Republicans are selling their souls to the devil. It's no longer the Republican party, it's the Trump party. They have set all things aside that they once believed in, gone all in, and have agreed to blindly follow this orange, vile ignoramus "Pied Piper" right off the cliff... No matter how bad, they blindly support.

There's a term for this type of ignorant and harmful behavior..."escalating commitment."

Never seen before and hopefully will never see again after this bumbling idiot leaves office. The position of the president of the United States is now the laughing stock of the world.

Pardoning people WHO PLED GUILTY just to serve his own twisted agenda is incredibly wreckless and foolish. He thinks we don't see why he's doing it... It's plain as day to anyone who doesn't have their Trump blinders on that he is sending signals to those wrapped up in the current investigation that he doesn't care about the rule of law, he has an unchecked power and he's not afraid to use it... Corrupt, or not.

Clauddvon 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Post like these help me continue weeding out the ignorant, blind Trump supporters.


Trump has done more for this country than Obama did in 8 years...the media is brainwashing you...
I am a Trump supporter but that does not mean I agree with all his views and policy beliefs...I do however think he's doing a 100% better job than the last 3 Presidents...he may be blunt and unapologetic at times..he may have a past that is not cookie cutter and fake like all other Political puppets try to pretend to be...I like that he is Human...he is flawed and he does not pretend to be something he is not...all the Obama supporters were telling all the people that hated Obama to suck it up..." He's our President" as a Trump supporter I relay that message...Suck it up and deal with it...we had too...

Another ignorant Republican to block. Ta ta.

Donald Trump is not merely "flawed". His short comings go way beyond flawed and flirt in the realm of sociopathic. While he's no Ted Bundy, he's not much better.

It is unreasonable to expect perfection out of any leader, but it is certainly not unreasonable to expect that the behavior of our leaders (especially the President) represent us at closer to our best as a society than our worst.

You may not agree with Obama's political stances or the policies he implimented as president, but when it comes to representing the highest office in our land with class, decorum and plain old human decency, he was 100x the man on his worst day than Donald Trump will ever be on his best.

Now.... let's move on to Trumps performance during his first two years in office. A couple of questions for you. What does Trump plan to do about companies like Carrier and Harley Davidson who pocketed the money from the huge tax break they got and moved their facilities off shore anyway? How about all the disenfranchised workers in coal country who Trump promised to help out during the campaign? What is his plan to get these folks retrained and back to work?

These were two major staples of Trumps "Make America Great Again" campaign, and as far as I can tell, he hasn't done squat to back up his promises.

He sure is good at spending long weekends at Mar-a-Lago though. The dude has already taken more vacation days in his first two years in office than Obama took in his first term.

First of all you forgot that the republicans signed a letter the day he took office not to pass any legislation he promoted. As for trump doing more for the nation he has done more to destroy it. He removed all the banking and stock regulations designed to protect the people from them. Second he has corrupted the use of public lands first by reducing them around our monuments and opening these lands to mining and drilling and commerce.Third they have prevented a need for common health insurance due to their greed and ownership in these companies that ptovide these services.. Forth, they have done damage to the enviroment by not believeing in climate change, dumping waste into our lakes and rivers, and removing regulations to protect these lands. Fifth, They have removed regulation to protect the workers in the work place and would like to eliminate OSHA. Six they have caused unbelieveable pain and suffering on the poor and handicapped by the elimination of services provide to these people..Seven, His immigration policies are dumb and cruel to say the least and again are placing unwarranted harm and grief on these people.Eight he has insulted every friendly country and then expects them to aid us .Nine we still do not know what he did with Russia buut he is making money with his hotel next to the white house and we do not know about his other crooked scemes Ten.His tax cut placed us deeper in debt at least 21/2 trillion additional dollars gave the rich so many gifts and did almost nothing for the poor and middle class. In addition he did away with tax deductions that hurt the middle class but did wonders for the rich by providing the little guy with more of the tax burden.He is the dumbest most selfishand cruel president in history. I do not see wht you see in him but I cannot find it. Korea would have happened no matter who was president as they have accomplished their goal. The trade wars he has started will cost the poor and middle class thousands of dollars.Your claims of accomplishments for this admistration are all negative. I would have hoped you would have liked to preserve our country rather than tear it apart.

@NotConvinced NAFTA was not good for the USas it gave away more than we received in return. As for the banks corrections could be made without killing The whole bill as was done. The number of banks paying penalties just shows that they need regulating.Wells Fargo tops the bunch for illecite trade functions.


I'm very concerned about what the next R President is going to feel entitled to do with his powers. The only way to get things back in order in the WH is to prosecute the hell out of Trump and make the next R jerk scared to hell to follow in any of Trump's footsteps.

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