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New Ghost album kicks much ass. Just sayin'.

webbew1 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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They have a new album? That's the problem in the us with music. Takes too long to find a new release! I must investigate! They killed it when they opened for Maiden!


Saw them open for Iron Maiden. Wasn't overly impressed as most of the show was lip-sync'd and the sound guy could never get the mix right. I wouldn't spend money to see them headline.

Well that's a big goddamn shame. Maiden doesn't need to deliberately sabotage their opening acts like that in order make themselves look good.

Why would they not allow the band to make full use of the sound system? At that point in their career, Ghost was still playing mid size halls. Maiden and their crew knew very well that this was the case and that they probably didn't have a PA system which was up to the task of arena and stadium gigs. So they made them do their whole set from canned recordings instead of finding a way to make it work? That's pretty fucked up if you ask me.

I think they are on their 3rd vocalist. They sound all the same. Buzz. Kill lol.


Yes. Tobias Samett keeps on firing himself. LOL!!

@webbew1 I think he is the only member that has released his name. i met a "nameless ghoul". Very nice guy.


Cool. There have been quite a few Nameless Ghouls. Dave Grohl of The Foo Fighters and Nirvana has admitted that he has played with Ghost as a Nameless Ghoul. It will be interesting to find out over time who else has donned the mask.

@webbew1 Foo Fighters is a great band. Do you have a link saying that Grohl was in the band. Edit: found this. He played for and produced If you have Ghosts. []

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