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This is it.

Tomfoolery33 9 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It's enough for me.


Am I reading this wrong or is Watts saying that the whole point of the universe is to facilitate our experience of it? If so, I’m calling BS?

No, he's saying there's nothing beyond the here and now. Whether we are "there" or not.

I got that part. It’s his “point” of a universe that had me wondering if he was implying a purposely designed universe. Watts may be a deist. I heard a few of his lectures online. They go way back to the 60’s. I enjoyed them. Elkhart Tolle wrote The Power Of Now” a few years ago. It was not a great read but I love the concept.

@Markus I think he was originally a deist, but I think he later was purely taoist.


Yes. The here and now.

That's why we should express ourselves without inhibition. It means more in the moment, and when we die, the unsaid can't be said.


Great photo! I wish it didn't have all those words on there fucking it up. ☺

Ha ha ha!


does it have a point?


Beautiful picture and wonderful sentiment, tnorman. Thanks for posting.


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