8 2

What do you think?
4 agreements

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don't take anything personally.
  3. Don't make assumptions
  4. Always do your best
Pook 5 June 2

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  1. I love Semantics, 2. Dad always said be a Duck, 3. Can't help but, I do wait for verification though before my declaration, 4. I'm going to claim this one, " If you can't do your best at a job you hate, when you get that dream job you won't have it long."

That book changed my life!


NO.1 fits me. That's it.


Good rules, but sometimes things are personal.


2 Always bothers me. There are plenty of times taking things personally is the only appropriate response.

The book expanded on that: if you know it’s personal, that’s different than assuming everything that happens is.


I have always liked these and have cleaved to 1,2,4, but I have slipped up on 3, from time to time.

Yes, I too make too many assumptions and they always cause me pain. I figure I'll stop when I'm tired of hurting.

  1. Don't be a dick

I like this! I’d also add:

  1. Treat yourself and all others with compassion.
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