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I prefer to date thin East Asian men with extremely wonderful facial features. I am a life-long atheist, a healthnut, animal lover, Libertarian mostly...and eccentric.

WynnHorton 5 Dec 22

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Darn you remind me my youth when I only went for only caramel skin, straight hair girls. Not hard to find in Puerto Rico... The gringas will come down to the island... to spice things up... but then I found myself in Europe... You adapt or you drawn. I liked how European women treated me... over there I was the exotic. But the way they treated you was different from my homegirls or americans treat you. I remember how the Scandinavians came down to Greece looking for brown eyes because they had back home green and blue. I discovered that Humans of all races and cultures can mingle and find common ground for communion of the body and soul. Maybe we are missing that to the East Asian man... you are the exotic one and maybe they worship you and you enjoy that... Not a sin if that is your preference and I hope you don't feel insulted. I learned to like all kinds and no longer have a preference other than personality I can be comfortable with. I still got my "weakness" but I reserve that for now as is my poison of choice. It is Okay for you to pick your Poison of choice. Happy Hunting in 2018 and May your Mating be Long and Prosper.


You seem to be very concentrated on physical attributes. As per both your posts.

I happen to be turned off by grandly obese men. By rolls and fat and grossness. Ick. I also can’t handle big fleshy noses. However, I don’t join a community, and lead with my dislikes like that in public posts.

I never said you don’t have the right to get what you want. I was commenting that in your only two posts, they were very physically attributedly focused.

When I’m trying to make friends, I don’t usually alienate 99% of the people I have to choose from right away. My bitchiness does that naturally over time.

I guess the confusion for me is that you state the exact same info on your profile. Why did you need to post it?

Also, why is it shallow to like what you would? Rather, who said it’s shallow to like what you would? To each their own, as long as it only harms themselves.


Way back when I was younger , and I mean WAY BACK , I had the ideal image of the ideal woman that I 'wanted' She had to be tall and athletic, with raven black hair and stunning facial features. Had to be well educated and willing to have a yarn about anything and everything which also required that she be open minded with a great sense of humour. OH., yes , and she also had to be a 'top notch' pianist or violinist. Was I being a bit too hopeful ? Was that the reason I never marrried til I was 52.? 🙂


We've all got our "things". Though narrowing down to such specifics ... well, I hope it works for ya ! And for anyone else on here who is seeking ...

Another eccentric here ...


Hi Wynn... welcome to


The dating pool is too shallow to rule out anyone based on ethnicity or any other category here in NZ 🙂 but I wish you the best in your search.


The dating pool is too shallow to rule out anyone based on ethnicity or any other category here 🙂 but I wish you the best in your search.

By 'shallow' do you mean small or small minded?

Both, small population in the dating category and most think enlightenment is a new diet fad.

Physical attraction is about 20% of my dating influence. Looks fade, so i better like what's on the inside more.


I'm thin but, tragically, Caucasian. But eh, I can see the appeal.


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