What do younger women think when older women say such things about rape and being raped? Disgusted is my hope.
Germaine Greer at the Hay festival argued that that people “cry rape” when they have sex they merely regret.
It seems that, because Greer wasn’t upset by her own rape, no one else is allowed to be. For her, most rape isn’t violent and should just be seen as “bad sex… where there is no communication, no tenderness.”
With feminism having a charged time, there’s an opportunity for generations of women to come together, bringing different things to the table: older women, experience and perspective; younger women, energy and fresh takes; or vice versa. Then you get someone as eminent as Greer rattling away like a rad-fem Katie Hopkins. #Rape #sexualAssault #GermainGreer
Does she want to stir up publicity for a new book? Never was a fan as I saw her as self serving. But I would never stifle her. She has the right to voice her views. I just think she enjoys stirring the pot for the sake of doing it. Not to advance the feminist cause. Give me Bella Abzug, or Gloria Steinam.
I can't remember who the other famous feminist was who, in a recent interview with The Guardian, was asked for her thoughts on something or other Greer had said and responded with "Oh, Germaine has always been about Germaine".
I know exactly what she meant by that. Greer was the first feminist other than those I knew when I was a child to have a big influence on me thanks to The Female Eunuch being the first feminist book I read and starting me off on the road to being the feminist I am today - I agree with a great deal of what she says in it and what she's said since (and I disagree with a lot of what she says too), but I think that article hits the nail on the head: she has become feminism's shock-jock, willing to say anything merely to provoke a reaction.
I know it's a generalisation, nevertheless many of my old activist friends and colleagues have become shock-jocks; never heard that label before but i like it. LOL
I asked a couple of them why? Their answer seemed to be consistent; when they were younger, involved, and physically active in the movement, they had to strategize what they said in the context of their strategic goals.
But as they got older two things happened.
First they stopped caring so much about what others thought and just spoke their minds. I can related to that but still manage to stifle my most outrageous thoughts, by putting my mind into gear before engaging my mouth; sometimes. LOL
The other motivator affects many people; as we become less able to spend time on the front lines, some tend to compensate by taking stands in ways which don't require as much energy or hands on interventions.
Then we have the raging grannies still going strong. So no one size fits all. LOL
Greer wasn't the only feminist who made a lot of us uncomfortable. Catherine McKinnon argued that all intercourse was the equivalent of rape because of the intrusion into the woman's body. I don't think that sex and sexuality are the only areas that young and older women have to come together around. There is still a lot of discrimination in the workplace in terms of pay, advancement, and other areas. I think the politics of parenting and making choices about parenting are also important areas.
Greer spent most of her career trying to be the maverick and deliberately making outrageous statements. It got her a lot of attention, and it seems that all social movements need their radical fringe to say the crazy stuff and allow the more moderates a place to come together.