What ever happened to the Republican party?
The Republican party was so quick betray its principles and morph into the Party of Trump for the sake of political expediency and power. Boehner says it is "taking a nap somewhere," but I wonder if it is not something even more fundamental. Has the Republican Party even really existed in recent years as it has portrayed itself? Or have they really been a bunch of RINOs just waiting for a power grab? What will they morph into next after Trump is gone?
Not American, so not really that qualified to comment, but most politics has a strong 'emporors new clothes' mentality, where leaders surround themselves with like-minded thinkers or sycophants so it is not surprising that the republican party has morphed into a new reflection. But from an outsiders point of view, there are far greater problems in American politics than just the current leader. Even simply the fact democracy is supposed to be representative, when yours so clearly isn't. What you appear to have is an oligarchy, where whoever 'wins' you have the same core group calling the shots.
Americans more often call it a plutocracy
@Heraclitus yes that probably is more accurate: there aren't that many influential poor!
The Republican Party is still the party of the US Chamber of Commerce. Trump is trying to turn it into the party of American-citizen workers, but so far he has had only limited success. The RINOs are still waiting to return to their old bad habits just as soon as Trump is gone.