For fun, ABC's of Trump.
Rules are arbitrary (mine).
No cursing/bad words,
Words should be posted in alphabetical order (insofar as possible)...
I was going to start with an "A", but couldn't think of a good one
Correct politically.
Well, he certainly needs corrected!.
Daffy dumb devil of delusional defiance of duty, deity, and definitions. Dilly-dallying dirtbag with dreadful hair, diapers, and dysfuntional distinction.
Bravo, Dick, BRAVO!!! <bowing>
Absolutely astounding feat there Dick!
Completely certifiably cray cray, cataclysmically corrupt, and a confoundingly childish crybaby.
A cascade of correct comments!
A Bloody Criminal?
Oh I see what you did there! ABC!
Great one!