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The thought occurred to me that the government seizing the children of the illegal immigrants at the borders might be a case for the World Court as Crimes Against Humanity. These children are of many ages, denied defense council, kept in cages where even our senators are denied access to examine the facilities. 1500 children have been lost to who knows what horror. I want to be proud to be an American, but how can I? This is our own government's action.

think-beyond 7 June 5

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The United Nations finally came out with accusing our US leaders of Crimes Against Humanity because of this terrible act of taking children away from parents, holding them in cages. UGH!


While the World Court carries only light least it would be something to add strength to our outrage making a statement to the world, keeping the pendulum from swinging too far in this awful direction. Truth needs to be acknowledged.


Disgusting. No words here.


The UN needs to investigate. ASAP.

If this was happening in North Korea, Trump would be frothing at the mouth.

Ha... Trump froths at the mouth all day every day.


The US is very eager to have UN endorsement when it wants to impose sanctions on or bomb a country but the rest of the time it dismisses it as a talking shop for failed states and withholds its payments.


The problem is the World Court is too easy to ignore. What is needed is citizen outrage, but since no Kardashians are involved awareness is lacking.


I have little doubt that this is totally illegal, but I also have little doubt that this government would/will disregard/ignore anything the World Court, UN or any other international agency would say about what this government does.

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