Can an atheist be a proud Secular Christian?

By Admin 3 years ago

Thomas Jefferson had an interesting hobby. In his spare time, he would use a razor to cut out the things in the bible that were said to be spoken by Jesus and didn't contain religious hocus pocus. He called it "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth" or what's now called the "Jeffersonian Bible". As Jefferson was a strong advocate for the separation of the Church and State, he was interested in what could be consider common ground between believers and non-believers like himself. Jefferson saw value in the teaching and wrote, "A more beautiful or precious morsel of ethics I have never seen; it is a document in proof that I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus."

For me, as someone who grew up in a devote Christian household, I spent a decade hearing stories and parables attributed to Jesus. When I later left the faith, I was often hostile to religion for the wrongs I perceived it did on me and on millions throughout history. However, as I've grown older and especially in recent years, I am more aware that I did benefit from the experience especially in how to treat those who disagree with me or could be consider enemies. The concepts of "love your enemies", "turn the other cheek", and "take care of others outside your tribe (good Samaritan)", while obviously not exclusive to Christianity, were taught to me in a Christian context. The phrase "Be like Jesus" or "What would Jesus do?" are shorthand reminders for me to try to be a better person... and something that to be proud of.

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Can an atheist be a proud Secular Christian?

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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Please use another photo other then this demented creep. It's surreal and offensive.


They may not use that label, but I think most of the people on this site fit that category: Having ditched the theological/“god” part of Christianity, they still often uncritically embrace the moral/ethical ideas for which the Jesus character is the front man.


Can a Turkey proudly celebrate Thanksgiving?


That's why I use "spiritual not religious". I get crap for saying that, but whatever. I am an electronics nut. Energy can only be converted, not created or destroyed. So to me god is electricity. We know it exists. We can't see it either. The only reason why we know it does is because of the after effects of something else. So I guess both are believeing in something you can't see?

Good write up! Also was it cut with razors? Did they exist at the time? We do know he wrote that book, that's not my point, I'm just curious.


Why, in the name of all things logical and reasoning, would they wish to be so since We have shed the shackles of religion, thrown of the chains, etc, of superstition and embraced with open arms all things REAL and True?


Give up on being a Christian and move on.

Toni Level 4 Dec 28, 2020
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