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Like the 100th monkey affect.


While that is valid it does not take into account the reality that a dominant social model will not willingly vacate power. So while we might hit 25 or 30 % and become more tolerated in a society, that does not mean that the entrenched traditional powers of a previous social model will just vanish, give up, and throw their hands in the air.
Rather history shows rather the opposite, such powers resist and put all their accumulated powers and use social traditions to coerce the social condition back to what they prefer.


As usual, it's the Empaths in society who have the thankless task of moving society towards that tipping point.


Really interesting stuff. Would like to see it replicated more. This article made me think of this:

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then we win. " Gandhi


Would the same tipping point not also apply to bad social behavior?

Absolutely, just look at Trump. His rhetoric and endless lying has spawned an era where we actually discuss "alternative facts" as if there could be such a thing.

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