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If you could have any supernatural power in the world, what would you choose?

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Read minds

Yes, then you’d be a step ahead of anybody trying to plot against you. Ha!!!


The ability to induce an orgasm in any woman, at any time.

And yes, I fear I would use that power mischievously.

I’m dying at your humor!!!

Your superhero name would be Orgasmo. 😉

Well, call me a man of limited interests if you like, MrLizard, but I have no real interest in inducing orgasms in men.


The power to heal

Oh yes!!! Got to love a true healing!


I have, for a long time, dreamed of having the power to make people disappear. Just POOF, they are gone. No bodies to bury. 🙂 🙂 🙂


To grant wishes...


Flying-I dream of flying all the time.


I'd love the power of flight; to be able to glide like a bird.


Teleportation. Don't need car for work or plane for trips travel the world. Become a delivery service lol

what about when you end up as part of someone's wall?

@LeighShelton thats x-man I'm thinking more like push

you didn't stipulate lol


Tough one… any of the following week due be good:

  • toggle invisibility of myself and my clothing
  • ability to see short periods, up to a few days, into the future
  • stop and rewind time at will, retaining all memories
  • phase through solid materials at will

sounds like a nightmare rather than power. I know your dreaming because the woman never has short periods the longer you know them.

@LeighShelton Haha, nice!


The ability to make people really understand me and each other on the deepest levels. Like being able to approach 2 people fighting in the street and play 80's movie montages in their heads to end conflict. Also the ability to let some people see themselves the way I see them

How about you seeing yourself the way others see you (does that make sense)?

That sounds terrifying! Like Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare.. lol no thanks lol


Mind control, similar to Professor X. Then I'd go to a bunch of televangelist churches and have some fun.


hulk SMASH


Ageless immortality!


I think its a tie between reading minds and being able to re-set a day. I think the power of time travel is too tempting. I would try to fix everything I perceived as wrong and the implications would be massive. But if I could re-set a 24 hour period, then I could fix my mistakes and keep moving forward with the lest impact.


Telekinesis. It would give flight, invulnerability, invisibility, cold breath, heat vision, super speed, faked super strength, and if course, the ability to control everything around me.

Force field around oneself for invulnerability. Bend light waves for invisibility. Move yourself for super speed.



Yes! I’d be B slapping off types of my enemies! Lmfao!


I do I do.....I am a Water-bender!!!!! ....., massage


being able to reverse entropy. If I can have any why settle for something like flying? I could halt and reverse human aging, save the universe, and fix burnt food.

I would be the most highly paid person in history and live forever in an universe that never ends.

Your welcome fellow immortal humans, leave 1% of your yearly income in the truck as you leave. Quickly now, I have 7.2 billion people to help.


The power to eat whatever I want and drink as much beer as I want and still have that beefy body with a nice tone and flat stomach.


Quite a few but if I had to pick, the force. Hehe! I know. Kind of a cheat but still...the force.


Just snap my fingers and....POOF!.....the jackass driving like a jerk has four flat tires.


For fun - to fly. Seriously, to heal would be great!


manipulate all forms of matter. i'd be able to create anything i want, whenever i want to, from whatever i choose.

doctor: it appears you have a cancerous growth on your thigh...
me: really? you are mistaken, poof i now have pie.


The ability to not sleep. I could get so much done if this pesky sleep thing wasn't in the can train yourself to only sleep a few hours a day, but it is hell on the body to get to that point...going immediately into REM...and no need for food or drink....


I'd rid the world of wars, famine, diseases, and all other afflictions.


Being unnoticeable.

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