I do not intend to try to rescue religion as reasonable. It isn’t terribly reasonable. But I do want to argue that its irrationality does not render it unacceptable, valueless or cowardly. Its irrationality may even be the source of its power.
The human brain is a kludge of different operating systems: the ancient reptilian brain (motor functions, fight-or-flight instincts), the limbic or mammalian brain (emotions) and the more recently evolved neocortex (rationality). Religion irritates the rational brain because it trades in magical thinking and no proof, but it nourishes the emotional brain because it calms fears, answers to yearnings and strengthens feelings of loyalty.
I regard religion as a way of controlling the masses throughout history. The major Abrahamic religions are horrible for controlling and degrading women. I agree with @KKGator they helped create some art, but they have degraded women, delayed progress, enforced genocide, and enslaved millions. Calms whose fears? How many millions of indigenous people had their lives destroyed? The ugly truth is that religion is a way for the powerful to stay in power.
Prescribing religion for mental and emotional health is like prescribing leaches for a fever. We have better, scientifically backed, options now. If people need emotional help, they should get professional therapy. If therapy is not widely accepted or available, that is a failing we should correct.
I’ve done fine without religion and can’t imagine why I would sully that with lies. My emotions are not appeased by falsehoods.
The ONLY thing I will give any credit to religion for helping to create is art.
Don't forget wars. ?
Paid starving artists to advance their propaganda possibly, create directly? Hardly.
Much of the art created is quite beautiful. I wasn't addressing the manner in which it's creation came about.
I didn't include wars because wars aren't good things.