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LINK California State Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Require Vegan Meals in Prisons

Hospitals, Prisons, ALL government institutions with health care facilities.

Another victory in the march toward equality for all EARTHLINGS. 🙂

SkotlandSkye 8 June 11

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Not a law yet, but moving in the correct direction.


i hope they're in schools already

They have begun to put vegan meals in school too!


I thought at first that this was making vegan meals mandatory, not optional. The former would be a good idea - healthy, non-meat diets lower aggression levels.

Gareth Level 7 June 12, 2018

@NotAndrew I disagree - "a hungry man is an angry man" as Bob Marley so wisely observed..

@NotAndrew Wrong about what exactly? There's plenty of evidence that healthy diets improve social adjustment (my first point) that your link also concords with. As for the Bob Marley lyric - don't overthink it.


Unbelievable! What next...appetizers?


Did you mean It is required as an option for those that want it?


Yes....I didn't write the headline...but yes, it now has to be a given option. 🙂


I don't know that I believe the State Senate even knows that I exist

We all hope not. 😉

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