When I was a little girl I remember thinking eternity in heaven worshiping god was the scariest thing I could imagine! But then I thought nothingness was just as rude. So I took god out of the equation and it was no better... I still can't figure out which I would choose of I could; nothingness or never ending.
In some ways we all live on after our passing. For example, energy can neither be created or destroyed, only converted. A friend of mine died 3 times. He doesn't remember any pearly gates, or the pits of hell. Just remembers his pace maker kicking in. Last time was permanent. I think death is just like what you were before you were born. No consciousness.
Nothingness, I believe, is an inadequate term.
Before we were born, it could be said we experienced nothingness. But this would be incorrect. We simply didn't exist.
Wow, I can't believe it, somebody else was scared about eternity in heaven with god when really young. See, Sister Lagree, I told you I wasn't weird for thinking that!
@pepperjones I think that was what started me on the road to non-belief. The nuns didn't ever like me, too much of a smart-ass. Plus I related my feelings in the classroom, so she had a hell of a time doing damage control.
I am hoping for my consciousness to switch off and then nothing. The thought of being aware of things for eternity fills me with dread. I don't particularly enjoy it now.
Existence is mental torture for me. I can't shut my brain off and it's constantly bombarded with stimulus about politics, religion, relationships, money, and other highly stressful things. Sure, I experience joy as well, but it doesn't outweigh all of the existential weight that comes with the pseudo-meaningful life that humanity as a whole subscribes to.
I look forward to dreamless sleep and can only hope when my time on this mudball is over, I get to sign off and never have to experience anything again.
We are all made out of stardust. We will all return, when the big crash/big bang comes, to stardust. Be grateful you are part of what makes up the universe.
Forever and nothingness are both simultaneously possible. Our molecules might disintegrate but our atoms will live on forever. We'll be completely nonexistent as our current shape or form, yet we shall remain integral to the eternal cosmic soup.
I think that's the least we should expect... - serious - Logically it's inevitable that our substance will remain in whatever comes next. My mom just decided not been burnt after death but been buried and giving other creatures to take part of her remains - like becoming partially a butterfly...as example.. my ideas are going much further and I am waiting for the moment when it comes to an end on earth and maybe I am lucky and find out what's really going on when I am passing away. I also think - that thoughts are never bound to the body alone but creating kind of free waves going elsewhere. I can indirectly communicate with very close people and it works somehow giving them my thoughts and they will suddenly reply in the real world. Okay - don't ask me for any proof - it's just too often experienced and I know I am not the only...
Just make some great memories in case your nothingness has a conscious. You want be bored.
We share the same fate as any other animal species ?
The question is moot. It is or it’s not. I’ll worry about it when I cross that threshold or not.
You don't have a choice you are a finite being, so, enjoy every second of the life you have.
I'd like to live to 500 in good health then die forever
Best of both worlds.
Eternal anything is the worst thing I can imagine.
Any form of consciousness, even simple machines and organisms, is inextricably linked to it's shell. Is someone who has lost half their brain stuck in the middle with a portion of their mind here and the rest in some ethereal existence? When we're done, we're done.
I'm pretty fond of my ego, there will never be anything more frightful to me than facing its death.
Never-ending Life doesn't equate eternity in heaven worshiping a god.
Nothingness is where you were before you were born..and that is exactly where you are going back to. Wasn't so bad was it?
I might choose never ending (outside of Heaven etc) ...gives a procrastinator like me time to get things done..
Way too many unknown variables to make that choice. If forever was to be in the mind of a human as we now know it , my choice would be "no". I don't want to run into boredom or discontent of any kind and know it will never stop. But if I knew my perception would remain fresh, happy, stimulating, and rewarding for ever, then, yes, bring it on....I think....how long did you say eternity was? lol