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Would you agree with the following: All agnostics are atheists but not all atheists are agnostics?

Atheos agnostici (genus+species) binomial name.

atheist 8 Dec 26

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I would never be an AGNOSTIC. ATHEIST all the way


Yes I would agree with that. I believe agnostics are at least open to the idea that there may be something. atheists are absolutely 100% positively certain there is not.


I disagree.

It is possible to be an agnostic theist.

A gnostic theist claims to know that a god exists and will cite evidence from their holy books as the proof.

An agnostic theist may not strictly follow a particular religion and may not believe everything in their holy books, but they are convince a god exists, but don't know why or will believe gods do exist until someone proves they do not.

The time to believe a claim is when there is evidence to support the claim. You may have a hypothesis, but it only becomes a theory when there is sufficient evidence to support it.


A syllogism consists of three premises. 1. All men are mortal 2. Socrates is a man. 3. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. Imagine a syllogism that has only two premises. 1, All male crows are blackbirds 2. Therefore, all blackbirds are male crows..........I will leave it to your imagination as to see how this might apply to religion...


After further study of the terminology I think I am both. I don't believe gods exist and I've never seen proof that gods exist. Hope this makes sense.

But you have never seen proof there is not something either.


Atheists reject god. Agnostics reject belief. They might reach similar destinations, but their rational paths are very different.

It's really rather more simple than that. A theist claims that a god(s) exists. This claim is either true or it is not. If you believe the claim is true you are a theist. If you do not believe the claim is true, you are an atheist. Gnosticism relates to knowledge and has nothing to do with the actual claim of whether or not a god exists.


No, for me, I'm okay with knowing that there's an afterlife. Is there a God controlling it all, no.




No. Their mutually exclusive conceptions.

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