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Can we just rename Noah's Ark? I think Zoo Boat fits well.

MandySue17 4 Dec 27

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I think "Earth" fits well as an ark and probably needs to be as big.


At the last count there were approximately 8.7 million ( X 2) species in the world. I'm not sure about Zoo Boat but am inclined to think that floating cesspool would be more appropriate...

Remind you the liars didn't knew of the 8.7 species. They had been nowhere. How could they know? In Puerto Rico there is the Coqui, a small forrest frog that if removed from the island... simply dies. True Assessment. But like I said... zoology was Not invented by noah's family enterprises.


Good description but did they know what a zoo was back then? Don't think so-except maybe the Flintstones? LOL.


Can you imagine the fecal matter?

floating in a sea without fishes?

@GipsyOfNewSpain Yeah, it kind of begs to be asked... How would animals that lived in fresh water survive?

@snytiger6 the story was not well plotted and missed how large earth was. But they will tell you that it was like that and you should be grateful that the ark made it the dry land.


Noah story inspired by Samarian (Mesopotamia) Galgamish Story


mark twain had a funny story where Noah was just this dude with an idea for a zoo that went from town to town on a boat.


Did you ever read Frankenstein? Does anyone believe Frankenstein's monster actually existed? The story is an allegory and that's what's important. People who keep trying to prove the actual reality of Noahs Ark are missing the point. It's not about the boat. The story of Noahs Ark in an allegory and the people who wrote it were trying to tell us something. It's the story that matters, not the boat. People who insist upon certainty to justify their faith are foolish. The search for certainty doesn't prove faith, it proves a lack of faith.

If you want my interest... Do Not Use an Allegory... I been telling that to catholic church for 50 years!!!!


silly myth

I think this is the best of all the answers.


DNA tanker?


the wet dream


I suppose floaty mcboatface is already taken.
Hms impossible?
Yeah I'll settle for zoo boat.
Hopefully the ark encounter in Kentucky will be for sale soon!

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 28, 2017

I think noah got the naming rights. But if we find the ark in mount ararat... We will be happy to let you name it anything you want.


Yes, it does!

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