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Jesus was a Liberal

sassygirl3869 9 Dec 27

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Why do people think jesus was a nice guy? "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34. Just your normal run of the mill terrorist.


It's true! The historical Jesus was a super liberal.its strange that the people in this country who claim to love him most are completely opposed to his principles. It's hypocrisy on a grand scale.


If the person depicted in the bible is real, and it is accurate about what he actuallysaid, then yes, he is definitely a liberal by American standards. In other countries the definitioons of liberal and conservative are reversed on many issues. It is safer to say that Jesus was definitely on the left.


Bloody pinko.

If it wasn't for the church that got created in his name I'ld like his form.

Matthew 10:34


and a terrorist, and a subversive, and in the 10 most wanted list and then again... he maybe never existed in reality and is a well scripted hogwash. But if we ever find his emails to maria magdalene... then we are unto something.

Why do you say he was a terrorist? Where do you get that he was in the 10 most wanted list? And why would you bring his wife into this?

@Benthoven You with the Swiss Guard? I know those are Secrets of State in the Vatican... You got to be Swiss Guard!!!

I thought we were more evidence-based over here. Not only could I not make it with the Swiss Guard, I wouldn't even survive the Boy Scouts. A ten-year-old could kick my ass.

Which causes me to ask, again, where are you getting your information?

@Benthoven That is what you want us to believe... I had seen James Bond on drag. But MI-6 will deny it. But there is evidence to make fun off and evidence to glorify as gospel. Unlike the bible I am not in liberty to reveal my sources.

How do I know you're not getting your sources FROM the Bible?

@Benthoven SHHSSHHHH... is like the CIA used to be... You Don't Know and You Don't Want To Know. SHHSHHSSHHHH

It'll be our little secret... Unless the NSA has already backed up my hard drive... then... oops!

@Benthoven You should had not gone there... My sister is part of that NSA Mafia... good thing they are not in speaking terms with FBI anymore. You good... for now.

@GipsyOfNewSpain NSA people used to tell me that the initials of the supersecret (at that time)agency stood for "NO SUCH AGENCY"

@Benmonk he, he, he, ha, he, ha... I can not let my sister see that... because she may kick me out of her house for No Such Admittance of the Truth!!! he, he, ha.

@Benthoven Matthew 10:34

Ah, so you're going to take one scripture COMPLETELY out of context. Who else does that? Who could it be? Could it beeeeeeeeeee... Evangelicals?

Have you ever read Matthew? Have you read Jesus manifesto aka his Sermon on the Mount?

We're thinkers here. The goal is to leave ideology behind.

@Benthoven of course I've read Matthew - the bible provides me with constant material to confirm my atheism - how is "I dont' come to bring peace but with the sword" possibly be COMPLETELY out of context. It's a straightforward sentence, with an straightforward meaning. But could you be cherry-picking? Who else does that? Who could it be? Could it beeeeeeeee.. Evangelicals? We're thinkers here. The goal is to overcome bullshit.

@GoldenDoll: First of all, If all you got is a SENTENCE, taken out of context because it fits into your ideology, then who could you be? Who could you beeeeeeeeeee? An EVANGELICAL? Just because you call yourself an atheist doesn't mean that you're still not spouting ideological bullshit.

You're a thinker: THINK. And, no, you haven't read Matthew. What little bit of the bible you probably do read, based on your own words: "the bible provides me with constant material to confirm my atheism..." you read out of the logical fallacy "Confirmation Bias." Your words. If you think that you can apply ONE sentence to a man who said WAY MORE THAN THAT, then you're just like the Evangelicals, cherry-picking the bible so that you can protect your ideology. In other words, you're an Evangelical Atheist... which is worse than an Evangelical.

Read Matthew. You'll find that Jesus... like YOU... is far more complicated than one verse paints him to be. I'm pretty sure you're not a narrow-minded, dogmatic ideologue, yet if I judge you by these two comments, then that's exactly what you are.

And it's only fair, since that's how you do it.

@Benthoven - my point (which you seem to have missed) is that the verse in matthew negates the idea that the fictional character jesus is a good person - if he was the son of a god, surely he knew how to convince his public that he was not a complicated person like me, because I'm only human. But he certainly seems to have convinced you that he actually existed, and your statement that an evangelical atheist is worse that an evangelical (christian I presume) is a shocker on this site. I wish you luck in your struggle to escape the brainwashing.

@GoldenDoll: Actually, I take it back. You're not complicated at all. This is you, right here, how you're presenting yourself. Simple, ideological, dogmatic, fanatical, intolerant and obstinate... Basically, you're an Evangelical Atheist. And yes, that's WORSE than a Christian.

This one verse allows you to paint over everything Jesus said because that's what YOU want to do. It verify's your confirmation bias. You say I'm "brainwashed," but I would love it if you'd start using yours even a little.

@Benthoven Bye benthoven, You just got really boring.

@GoldenDoll: But at least I'm not a fundamentalist funneling everything through conformation bias... and I read... with the intent to learn rather than confirm fundamentalist views.


If there was a Jesus he was not just a liberal and hippie...


Too bad he never existed.


I don’t believe he was...
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them”.
Matthew 5:17-20


If Jesus was alive today he would be posting on here.


more specifically a communist


I agree with those who say that an actual historical Jesus never existed, although the subject is subject to research. Truth is, "Jesus" is a template into which cast their own mold (think I've that metaphor somewhere right!). I agree with the poster that the Jesus myth can be thought of a 'liberal' (US meaning) or radical. Like Robin Hood (or the myth of him) who stood against the rich and for the poor. People like Reza Aslan (not a fan) see him very much like that (Zealot 2013). But then there's moralistic Jesus, warrior Jesus, peaceful Jesus, class activist Jesus,.. the list goes on. Notice how people's Jesus usually reflects their political, social and even economic ideas. (Jesus believed in the free market, don't you know, and the Republican Party..) The less we know about someone historically, we more we impose our biases on them and fantasize. As an Atheist, I have no preference for any type of Jesus; I just want to know the facts. 'Just the facts, ma'am.." as Sergeant Friday used to say. And the facts -- that is to say the historical evidence about this guy -- are few, and the supposition is great. And Christians, generally, won't acknowledge this; indeed they don't even want to know about it.

I have to say that I agree with about everything you said there.

Great answer...

Coming to terms with reality is a very hard thing to do.




Jesus was not a Christian he was an Anarchist and if he was alive today, he would once again be a threat to the 1% and their cool is that! I wanna be like that Jesus guy! except for the part where you get nailed to the cross.

what anarchists say to give to ceasar what is ceasar's? lol

Well I'm an anarchist and don't believe in ceasar's. We are not sheep and don't need a shepherd. We need to believe in ourselves and each other.

As much as I am in tune with your thinking, I caution against falling for the Che Guevara Jesus that some like to believe in. It's one of the many Jesuses around, as I alluded to in my comment above. If the churches would become progressive rather than regressive and help fight for a better world, rather than flogging an imagined perfect afterlife (pay now, die later) then that would be something. But no, its all moralistic teachings and God is against everything new.

The need for caution is well considered. Though we are in the era for truth seeking and the search for better ways of uniting humanity, it's needs while respecting and taking care of our life giving source that is our Earth.
They can monitor us all they like, threaten or even kill but the fact remains that there are too many Jesuses in this world today but not enough crosses. Real change can only come from a united Humanity.


Except back then, it wasn't called liberal, it was called crazy-nuts. Thank gawd for modern times.

godef Level 7 Dec 28, 2017

Liberal jesus wouldn't have trashed the gaff and thrown the money lenders out - that'd be considered too violent.

antifa seems to have a different idea of what "too violent" means


For a ethnic Jew, yes he was.


According to Kris Kristofferson, he was a Capricorn. (Inside joke)

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