41 4

What do you say to someone that insists that "God"

What do you say to someone that insists that "God" is the one that makes is possible to live life? i.e. pay bills,escape a bad situation ...

mariposa888 4 June 19

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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How often, and how close, do you have to be near this "person?"

JacarC Level 8 June 19, 2018

What would I say? "My, what a lack of agency you have!" : )


Please save your sanity and walk away.


I got into a conversation with a guy one time, we were some three miles out on a hike. i told him here right now there is only you and I. I can hear you, touch is a tangible experience. Why isn't that enough?


I don't say anything. If someone wants to think a mythical creature pays their bills who am I to piss on their parade 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 June 22, 2018

I'm not sure there's much that you can do. I had a professor once who answered questions like "will the assignment be graded by the end of the week" with responses like "God willing". Very frustrating.


Let it go in one ear and out the other.


Try to ignore them, or tell them to stop forcing their opinion on you if you. If they persist, file a restraining order.


I just find it sad. When someone finds the strength to keep going through adversity but thinks that the strength isn't theirs, that's just fucking depressing. Imagine if Michael Phelps truly believed that his accomplishments were really due to a coach literally pushing him through the water and that he couldn't do any of it himself. It's depressing as fuck.


There's a Portland food bank that's about to shut down. Suppose that's cuz his checks weren't clearing?


Do you really want such a fairy tale to control your life? ... Oh, you believe it's reality? Please show me the evidence.


Is that so ? could you give me his address? I need someone to get me out of the shit !

madmac Level 7 June 20, 2018

Is that so ? could you give me his address? I need someone to get me out of the shit !

madmac Level 7 June 20, 2018

nothing and 'think'.. 'what a dumbass!'


That the same one that answers thoughts and prayers after a shooting?

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