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Ugh--that article really sickened me because people that are like that taint the polyamourous relationships that are working ...but it did give fair warning to those who think it is an easy thing to just get into...thanks for sharing...not all polyamourous people are selfish narcissists...


This is why people should always communicate openly about their intentions early on. Making promises to be faithful and monogomous when you know damn well that you're completely full of shit is disingenuous.

A polyamorous person should never enter in to a sexual relationship of any kind with a person who is into monogomy. There is just way too much of a gap in expectations.

I agree. Totally.


Wow, that article very accurately describes my experience during the 8 year relationship with a Polyamorous Narcissist I just ended a few months ago. I didn't realize there was a clinical term for him. He was also a Habitual Liar, which is what ultimately ended it for me.

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