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What’s your Myers Briggs type?

Yeah yeah I know apparently the psychologists aren’t really using it much anymore. Either way I’m an ENFP and it sure seems like it fits. What are you?

Cadelyn 5 June 25

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38 comments (26 - 38)

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ENFJ-A Protagonist. I'm just a little bit extrovert or else I would be INFJ. I think this description matches me pretty well. But I wouldn't put it on a resume because people change.


Campaigner (ENFP-a) - I took the test years ago as apartc of some research study. I mainly did it out of curiosity, and have never tried to use it in a meaningful way.


I'm in the mental health field, and the Myers Briggs is not considered either reliable or valid. It's like a horoscope... so vague and broad it it category definitions as to be mostly meaningless.


ENFJ or, ENFP. I did Leadership training where everyone was committed to take this test. Astrology works just as well.


I went and took the test just out of curiosity. It says I'm INTP



no preference for extro/introversion.


It also helps to keep in mind that there are 16 personality types, and 7+billion people in the world, so, guys, this is a basic framework of innate preferences, and not a decisive label of who we are. Hope that helps!

@Cadelyn LOL--not sure if your reply is facetious or not, but, in any case, 🙂


ENFJ-A.... THE PROTAGONIST...... What was my question?




Did this many years ago ENFJ totally extroverted and a glass is half full person.


I'm a no se


I'm INFP!!!



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