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Born again Christian

Have you ever been attacked by a so called born again Christian for the way you dress?

PatrickM3039 3 June 27

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Yes, I have. I had a whole Christian community shoot the windows out of my car, throw bibles on my car every time I went into wal-mart to shop, lie too the police about me and try to put me in jail for 6 years for accusations that were false and made no sense. The worst part of it all was that the Christian sheriff in charge went along with the lies even though he knew I was innocent and even went as far as destroying evidence to hide the truth of my innocence. In his report he states that I am a bad person because of an anti-christian shirt that I wore in wal-mart.


We really don't get this 'In your face' shit that all you guys in America seem to get but forewarned is forearmed so I've got my 'Fuck Off!' nice and ready 🙂


Not so much about clothes... and at the time, I was a member of that church... I was divorced with a toddler and trying to go to college; I was told that my goal should be to find a father for my son, rather than going to college. quite sure I don't have to describe all the lunacy attached to that kind of lecture.


Dress? no, but a vast array of other things. Worst part is, it was my brother.

@Lookin4love No, it wasn't.


Geeze Attack....i would welcome an opportunity to share my "views" We seem to waste too much time being appalled and indignant instead of duscourse Bitching is a bore... Exchange us a gift

EvaV Level 7 June 28, 2018

Nope. I'm always dressed appropriately. But I often wonder why one thinks one needs to be born again. Didn't you do it correctly the first time?


No i havent....Absolutely amazed at those wh experience this.....crap tis

EvaV Level 7 June 28, 2018

About the same as a socialist, and they both claim it's for your own good.
The socialist claims it is "cultural appropriation", and says you're insulting those he considers its social superiors

moxy Level 4 June 28, 2018

I'm a socialist. I've never attacked anyone for what they're wearing.

not a good idea to generalize...

socialism.. the bizarre notion that demands the State control the means of production & distribution.
Socialists .. the authoritarians that would implement their regressive & violent theory upon us atheists & heretics


Sitting in one of the back rooms of a cool restaurant, i read a chalk-board with menu items.

The special was, "Twice Baked Jello."

JacarC Level 8 June 27, 2018

Once, in the 90s, when I was wearing a t-shirt with the Babylon 5 logo on it, this woman gave me a long, virulent, rambling lecture about how Babylon was an evil place and I was going to hell and bla bla bla. I couldn't get a word in edgewise to explain anything and I was at work so I couldn't just tell her to shut the fuck up.



Not my clothes but my hair. "Did you get the attention you were looking for?"

Someone said that?

Wow. They have issues. Mostly likely jealous.


Given a raspberry by a Salvation Army bell ringer because he didn’t like what my shirt said. It starts when you sink in his arms it ends with your arms in the sink. What the heck’s wrong with that? Put my donation back in my pocket. Have never given $$ to them since.

It's a bit sick if I'm honest. I'm with the Salvation Army.

@Ellatynemouth Not saying it's a bad organization . They do good deeds. But I will not put $ in their buckets . I think I have purchased an item or 2, though and I will donate clothing and other items.

the Salvation Army is known for anti-LGBTQ-IA statements and actions.. I never support them anymore. there are other agencies that don't discriminate.


As a female who attended Catholic schools, born again, don't hold a candle to nun's.


Totally. That's what they do - attack things that are different.




No I have not.


It's been a while, but as I recall, I'm pretty sure I told them where to go and what they could once they got there.


Yes, for wearing an *I think, therefore I am atheist" t-shirt. I laughed, and pointed at the woman's cross. I asked her what the difference was, and she just huffed off. I've always had long hair, since I was a teenager, with some short haircuts every once in awhile, I cannot count the times I've been told him a faggot because I want to be a girl, or some shit like that.

NerdyB Level 4 June 27, 2018

They're the ones with the problem.


Plenty of times, I was a goth kid in highschool and now, when I can I dress pinup which can often be rather revealing, and living in the south that doesn't go over well with the over abundance of Christian's, born again or not.


Sounds like there's an interesting story behind this post! But to answer the question, I've never been attached by anyone, religious or not, for my attire.

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