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I am depressed by the appearance of the number of trumpie supporters.

Marine 8 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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It's surprising the number ot Trump supporters on this blog site. They are welcome, as is everybody that is a free thinker. But there's the rub. The fact that you a Trump supporter predicates that you are not necessarily a free thinker. Trump's support is so closely aligned with the unChristian-like Evangelicals, (even if is just using them to cement a voting base) that it's hard to separate what he stands for and the Evanhelical themselves. To say you support Trump is to say you condone, agree, and tacitly support the Evangelicals. And I don't think evendors realize their compromise.

t1nick Level 8 June 30, 2018

They are cultists. No matter how much one REASONS with them, they just deny and follow the leader over the abyss. Just go but don't take the world with you.


Life is too short to get depressed over politics, and not everyone will be able to agree on all issues one hundred percent of the time. Benefits are not being stolen, they are always available for those who pay their way in life, which is appropriate because healthcare is a service in which is not supplied to free of cost, you must pay for it. Since the Obamacare mandate has been eliminated things are gradually improving, it just takes time. That mandate was horrible, forcing everyone to pay for a service they may not have wanted or else face getting fined, that is stealing and un-American. I should not be forced to pay for anything I do not want or to fund others who lack the money. Social Security is a joke, I save on my own, I don't need big brother for that. I'm not crazy about Trump, but I do like most of his policies, and things are gradually improving but it takes time. All the same, I can understand where you are coming from. I just don't think it is worth it to get depressed over is all. I for one am not here to stress or depress any, so if things are that bad for you then I will not bother you again with my political views. I've been keeping off the public feeds on here recently due to dealing with too many Trump bashers, some of which have heckled me on some of my posts and even harassed/threatened me via private message. The political right is not perfect, but the left can be very intolerant as well. Whatever you do in life I wish you well, de-stress and take care Marine.

It isn 't easy when you see your retirement savings depleted by stock market downturns that always come with republican reign. Tax cuts that do not materialize andhidden tax increases like removing medical deductions from taxes. In addition we now have no protection against the banks doing what they did in 2008 or the stock markets. Tariffs will raise expenses first food because of the farmers losses under trumpie and next the auto workers with the increase in steel. Then we the fiscal conservatives increased the national debt by 21/2 trillion dollars. This will go down as the biggest blight on the US populatyion since the depression if he does not bring one on in addition.

@Marine I have a feeling by the end of his term people will realize that it's not going to be the end of the world. For the most part I'm not dealing directly with any of what you had mentioned above, in fact things are starting to look up for me. Maybe you could start a group on here dedicated to saving/investing smartly? You never know, the community may be able to help out in some way.


I've just blocked a republican.


It shows a frightening level of ignorance in this country! We have the rich, who believe being simply rich is not enough. They must be super rich. We have the the lower middle class and poor who want to blame everyone else except themselves for their lot in life. Trump tapped into that.


Where do these people live? They look like the average joe and their benefits are being stolen (soc sec, health care, higher taxes than the rich, tarriffs) and they cheer him!What is going on? How do we make sure he looses the the power of Congress?

Marine Level 8 June 30, 2018

Well, I live in an upscale rural subdivision between Dayton & Cincinnati (STRONG Trump supporting demographics here). I'm a bit uglier than average. My benefits are actually better now, than prior to Trump's election.
So.... "Loose the power of Congress!!"

@bigpawbullets Thern you do not know how to evaluate your benefits. The protection you had from banks subverting your funds no longer exisit and the same goes for the stock market. You may have gotten a tax break but unless you are a muti millionaire you will pay more for all types of goods due to tariffs , increased national debt which will increase cost to borrow and hidden taxes like a sales tax FED and higher gas fed tax. A single payor health insurance plan would provide better health at lower cost do not agree v well All the nordic countries with smaller populations and lower tax BASE provide free health,college, and pensions with 8 weeks of vacation and money for their populations to be world travelers.Trump has insulted our trading partners and allies made us the laugfhing stock of the world and has done nothing except lined his pockets by being pres. His NK meeting was a farce he gave up everything and got nothing as they are building new facilities. Just wait until he needs an ally they will laugh in his face. As usual the republicans have driven down the stock market that has wiped out many times more of my pension savings than I will ever recover in tax savings look at your own. You must be living one of his lies if you think you are better off.

Good morning sir!
I appreciate your thoughts on these divisive topics. I'm confident you're a rational and knowledgeable guy. My wife and I tend to monitor our fiscal position and our investment portfolio closely. We've a great team of investment and financial advisors at Schwab watching things for us. Our medical insurance hasn't changed in costs significantly. We don't borrow money from any lending institutions so the inflation rate as controlled by the Fed is only an indicator to us of when adjustments in investments may be required.
We live a modest lifestyle so gas and food prices for to little old people are very minor line items on our expense spreadsheet. As for President Trump, this will pass. I know this will rile everyone up, but I firmly believe our nation can withstand his tenure, as it did President Obama's, and President Bush's. My hope is than one or the other political parties finds a centrist candidate acceptable to everyone for 2020.

@bigpawbullets Your investment portfolio has gone down or your advisors are miracle workers so you have been hurt to some degree. You do not need to borrow money to have an interest rate affect you because it will cost every business more to do business and that cost will be passed on to you in food clothing entertainment and anything else that requires money. As for trump the damage he is doing to the environment, social fabric and our standing in the world is nothing short of criminal.Obama was an amazing president regarding the letter the republicans signed on the day he was made president not to pass any legislation he proposed simply because he was black. They are still racist vulgar people who do not respect the fact that all people are created equal. Deny this and just look at how they are being treated by whites in this country and the latino's. Germans,Polish French etc are all welcomed but not any from Africa and under trump's immigration policy we are loosing doctors,scientists, computer specialists that we neede. His policies against science supported by the evanglicals have cost us the lead to China in stem cells ,solar cells and new computer technology.I was a finacial planner for 25 years and everything ---everything breaks down to money and if you do not believe that you are being very nieve.

You know, I'm in agreement with you on some of your statements. We just went through our quarterly review with Schwab and made some adjustments at their suggestion. These were based on exactly your points concerning the predicted volatility levels of domestic & international markets. I further agree with you about everything boiling down to economics.
However, I still feel that our country will weather this shakeup of Washington. Regardless of all the ranting from both sides, I believe the vast majority of us want what's right for our nation.

@bigpawbullets I hope so. Have a great holiday.

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