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Hello everyone. I’m a grad student at UA and it’s been a trying one. Alabama is quite a different state. I’m not religious and cringe when people mention it, probably because I grew up in southern Baptist and non-denominational churches (that one that speaks in tongues or whatever) and in Christian School. I am so over it.

I am trying to take a more active role in politics and elections (Doug Jones, anyone?) and find myself doing more volunteering for such. This one pulled through by the amount of people it would take to fill 1/5 of the college football stadium. Yikes!

I want to meet open people, non-pedants, who care about humanity and our planet and can see the good in those around us without turning to an archaic text to tell them whom to hate. Hate has no place in my being. Hopefully, there are a bunch of you like-minded people out there. People who understand that if we’re going to survive, if we’re going to come back from this dark place, we will only get there together.

ToastyWarm 3 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Hi. I'm right down the road from you. Some friends and I meet up at the Crimson Castle for board games and d&d. If you're interested, feel free to message me.


Alabama like most of the South, seem to have more than a fair share of redneck bible thumping militants with the IQ's of a pea. I'm sure you've had some rough run-ins, so applaud your decision to think for yourself.


Re: the margin of victory. Y'all have a very large college football stadium there, last time I checked.

Anyway, there's an active atheist meetup groups in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa. As well as Huntsville, but that may be a bit farther than you want to drive.

And the secular community has a remarkable asset just outside of Talladega in Lake Cleveland, a private facility donated by Pat Cleveland and her family to the Freedom From Religion Foundation where there is an annual gathering over 4th of July weekend.

Thank you for your efforts to help elect Senator Jones and keep up the good work! The Yellowhammer State is deeply Republican and Christian territory but don't let that stop you -- go on out and organize, make friends, and be proud to tell people you're a liberal, a Democrat, and an atheist.


Why don't you run for political office ??


Welcome, I'm also a new member of this community. I found your post very inspirational. We need more people like you in this country.


Thank you for supporting Doug Jones and welcome to the community. I wll take thinking reasoning people to help get better candidates in the Senate and Congress. Officials even in the local city, county and state levels. Let the light shine and common people lets work together.


Bravo for supporting Doug Jones. Thank you for joining our community. I am a political junkie and we all need to fight vs the Right in 2018. Happy to have you here @ToastyWarm


You've come to the right place!

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