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I am pretty new to this site, but is christian slamming a normal part of things here?

Coming on here, I was thinking that I would find some like minded people, I am finding a lot of post on slamming christians. While I don't agree with the philosophy of christianity, doesn't slamming them, drop us to the fundamentalists levels?

Sluggs 4 Jan 2

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Shortly after I shucked religion, for a few years, I was vehemently anti-religion, feeling like I'd been lied to my entire life by people I admired and respected. I was quite outspoken about it, and rather antagonistic. I'm concerned today only with the harmful effects of religion — all religion and faith-based initiatives — on society. But I think it should come as no surprise that Christianity would take a front-row seat in terms of people's criticism, considering that most of the people here live in more Christian-dominated societies. But I think when it comes to the specific criticisms, you'll find they can often be extrapolated to all/most religions. But feel free to challenge anyone who says something in a comment thread that you think is unfairly critical.


I'll admit, there's a good sprinkling of anger , and outright hatred on here. I can only guess at the cause for some of this, and there's no way to know everyone's past and the trials they may have been through before getting here.

But there's also much, much more. with mutual support, humor, and some good solid introspective, active thought. Once you've perused the site a bit more - you'll see !


A lot of us are recovering Christians. As a result of being raised in that religion, I have a strong distaste for it. It may sound like I'm slamming Christians, when it's the religion itself I'm putting down. The people I love the most are Christians, so I don't have anything against them, but I hate what religion does to them.


I think most of us try not to attack the befuddled believers. We aim, usually, to attack those who are in it for power and money — church leaders (all religions) and politicians.


We are all, I think, agnostics, humanists, atheists. So most religious idea are treated lightly and up for sarcasm, etc.

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 2, 2018

Yep, it does. (but there's still a lot of smart, thoughtful, kind people here)

skado Level 9 Jan 2, 2018



Not me... I would argue that though I am an atheist/agnostic I hold Christian values and culture. That is something that I am proud of. I don't mean fundamentalist crap. I mean love thy neighbor and honorable moral stuff like that.

I heard Dan Barker(FFRF) speak and he talked about how some values are universal to all religions - helping people who need it, not killing people, taking care of your children, etc. These, he says, are HUMAN values, not religious values. This is why we don’t need religion to tell us to be good people.

@A2Jennifer inded, so for me I recognize this and know that it is inherent to my culture for exactly that reason.

@marmot84 It'd be good if you could eventually move away from calling them christian values though, and just be glad your a good human, as are many people who are not and have never been christians.


Yeah, I'm not worried about that. I realize that other cultures hold such values. Nevertheless, I am from a Christian culture and I am not ashamed of that part of my heritage. Sorry

@marmot84 - I'm totally ashamed of the christian culture. It did awful harm.


I'm not talking about that part of "Christian Culture". I understand where you are coming from and that stuff revolts me. But I don't think we can throw out everything because there are stains in our history. I'm male, should I be ashamed of that? Maybe? But try hard as I might, I just can't bring myself to be. I'm proud of who I am and I'm proud of where I came from.

Maybe I am wrong but my ancestors whom I have known personally were all wonderful people who held "Christian values" and took the idea of the Golden rule to heart.

Again, I know what you are saying. I'm more aware of it than many actually, but I don't see dismissing "Christian values" as the answer. Again, sorry... Can we agree to disagree. I'm tired of not accepting your position. Yes, If I can validate it maybe that will help. I understand what you are saying. i actually agree that the horrors of history must not be repeated and a number of these are part of the true Western History. I choose different language. That is all.

@marmot84 - I agree we've come to the end of this discussion. Just one thing I'd like you to think about is this - I have never been able to understand the phrase "I am proud of where I came from!" - It's very similar to "I'm proud to be an American" or "I'm proud of being British" - how can you be proud of something which is pure chance and which you had no part in? It bothers me because such phrases usually precede a declaration of something bad.


Well because it is part of who I am. How's the view from your high horse?


If they don't want to be ridiculed, they shouldn't believe such ridiculous things!


This site inevitably explores some of the statements in the bible (and the teachings of other religions too) and often comes to the conclusion that they are nonsense, since most people here believe in evidence and the scientific method.

If that comes across as christian slamming then so be it.

We have discarded the Bible and the belief systems that sprouted from it in favor of SCIENCE. So, not slamming, just discarding a supernatural view of things which has no basis in fact. I am always shocked at brilliant people whose religious education stopped at about 3rd grade level.
I am very upset when any religious views interfere with teaching facts in our schools.


Christian slamming is normal for some people here. I don't find it interesting or useful.


Small minds get caught up in petty things. No matter where you go in life, or on the internet, those people will exist. They're unavoidable! My advice, should you seek it, is to scroll right past those posts and focus on what interests you instead.


I think many of us deal with Christian surroundings and vent here. If you look at the serious discussions they become more rational and defensive of all people's opinions.


Some folks get a mite out of sorts when it comes to this topic. I noticed you limited your question to christians. There's plenty to go around among all the Abrahamic faiths. There's no love lost for any of the others, either. Woo is woo, no matter how it's packaged. I'm pretty well laid back about it and only get in a dither about it when they have their eyes on schools, the legal system, politics (particularly legislative). But that is the problem these days. They're moving on schools, politics at all levels, and the legal system more forcibly now than I can remember and that spans some 70+ years.

If you are an unbeliever, I find it difficult to accept that you would be surprised or even slightly taken aback regarding content on a site with such a title and such a constituency.

Yes, yes and Oh yes.


There does seem to be a lot of attacks on peope's beliefs. Not a lot of 'whatever works for you' going on. It wears on me. I have cut down on my posting on this site because it sometimes feels like the same way hardcore xstains talk about non-xstians....'can you believe they think this? how stupid!'....ugh.

@FortyTwo so you think religion creates problems, and humans are just the bystander? Religion is a choice. Just like your belief is a choice. A fool thinks a system causes people do do what they is just a justification...humans will codify their behavior in anyway they chose. If not for god, then for country, if not for country then for family, if not for, family, then for honor, etc, etc. etc. So your system of beliefs is 'the chosen one'? Good think atheist russia and atheist china never harmed anyone...hehe

@FortyTwo Just giving two examples of atheist based governments. Didn't say you supported either, but it is interesting that you went there. And always remember when you say in a debate 'that is fucking stupid' or result to name calling and making generalized statements (often known as bias or prejudice) about a group, your point is lost. It's the white flag of an argument. Might as well just say 'you are all poopy butts'. hehe. I am smart enough to be aware that religion is just a tool, like atheism, like agnosticism, like Subgenius, a way of expressing yourself or belonging. Religion does not make you stupid. If you assume someone is 'stupid' because they have a different belief system than you, that may be willful ignorance. Which, in my humble opinion, is stupidity. Embrace your minority. If you read history, atheistic belief will more than likely always be the minority. Some people need their saviors. And that's fine by me.

@FortyTwo I'm fine that you hold beliefs that may be detrimental to others. But you are an individual. To make broad statements about large groups of people (like, say, all priests 'diddle little kids'😉 is prejudicial and narrow minded. Tiki torch time. About half of my friends are either wiccan or satanists (and now a burgeoning of non-racist Aesir), and it gives them pleasure. I am fine with it. And if I wasn't, that would be my problem. As for the 'atheist china and soviet union', that was just to emphasize that your 'harmful' claim is also represented in your own belief system (I am assuming you are an atheist? Or some neo-variation thereof?) I am sorry you get harmed by xstains all the time...maybe you should build a wall....go for ban or something....seems to be the trend.

@FortyTwo It is true, you are done.


We're human. Nobody's perfect. Lots of us have ample reason for slamming. Personally, I have to work at not ripping them every chance I get.


No , but some find it therapeutic. It's a safe place to vent if you need to.


I don't hate anyone or Christians. I work with them and live with them.


Boy, relatively new, too, I’ve felt the opposite. Sure, some go for it, perhaps exuberant over an opportunity not to be piled on, and maybe even admired. It’s like everyone has their own style, and that ‘style’ appears to arise from whatever the depth of ugliness they’ve had to escape to arrive here.

Me, I consider myself hardcore, but no longer find a thrill in sinking an easy target.. Again, my first reaction was how mellow, tolerant and seemingly respectul folks were -- and assumed that came from a lifetime of ‘having to do so’… So if some feel the need to shout it out - I get it! But really, it’s all perspective ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

I hope i don't see it because It's not called for.


Nope. Calling out nonsense is an obligation and keeping quiet is false courtesy. Only weeding out all types of esoteric unscientific self-righteous systems will give humanity a chance to survive the current "biblical" (sic ) challenges.


Where's the group where everyone is totally polite all the time, especially when discussing emotionally charged topics?



No, we slam all religions here. We're not prejudiced.


I agree with you. Although it feels good to vent, that would be preaching to the choir on this site. No christian is going to read about themselves being slammed here, so it's a waste of energy.
Additionally, depending on the tone, it can reveal a lot about the ventor's maturity level.

Luckily, there is no shortage of christians out there in the real world. I'd much rather tell one what I think of his/her fairy tale in person than on here. Plus, doing so in person means my level of courtesy will be immediately apparent and I will be accountable for it.


it happens


Firstly one, by definition, needs a religion to be a fundamentalist. Second, losing ones religion can be quite painful. Pain causes fear and fear is the precursor to anger. It may be helpful to allow some vent for this anger. You may be past these things. You may never have experienced these things, but others are still dealing with them. This is a community. I'm pretty sure no one is here for your pleasure...uhhh welcome.

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