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LINK Scott Pruitt's Replacement Has Earned More Than $700,000 As A Fossil Fuel-Industry Lobbyist

This is NOT draining the swamp and there is no way to defend this.

SkotlandSkye 8 July 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, we know what to expect from this administration. They are all about selling more guns and oil, both at home and abroad.


Back in the 70s, I was in an anti-strip mining group here in Ohio. The state was putting together an advisory board and since it was going to have representatives from many coal companies, we wondered if an environmentalist could be on this board to at least offer some semblance of opinion on mitigating what was, at that time, a wholesale disregard for stream pollution, soil replacement, and community impact. You would have thought we were advocating selling drugs to Needless to say, the government thought it best to just have coal owners on the board.


I'm not surprised he was replaced with someone as bad or worse.


by our standards. I just do not understand their thinking

It goes like this - Trump is Putin's puppet. Putin wants to destroy America. He tells Trump to install the people most likely to do major damage to/dismantle each agency. And that is exactly what Trump has done.

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