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What is your favorite face palm quote from a believer or an apologetic?

WeaZ 7 July 7

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The Moral Argument has always seemed dumb to me. Even when I was a believer.

  1. For an objective moral standard to exist, God must exist
  2. An objective moral standard does exist
  3. Therefore, God exists

I don't think I've heard a non believer ever say that there is necessarily an objective moral standard. People constantly disagree about what is moral. The bible even disagrees with itself.


"Oh I believe (and force my kids to church) just in case it's true..." ugh


America is a christian nation and the Constitution is based on biblical principals.

I have an uncle who is Wiccan that says this shit all of the time. Drives me batty. Like dude, you aren't a Christian, why do you want a Christian country using the fucked up Bible as an instruction manual?

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