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Men/Women, Is sex a requirement for an enjoyable romantic relationship?

I have a friend that I grew up with who's been married for more than 30 years to her husband. She's mentioned that sex in there marriage is "a lot" if it's once a month. Which is to say sex is not a common activity in their marriage. They seem committed to one another and seem to love each other. They are very religious Christianish type folks. I must say however, that in family pics posted on facebook her husband, a late-fifties gray-haired Caucasian man in a suit, appears to have a barely noticeable half-sided "smile" with a what appears to always be a slightly dissatified countenance. He reminds me of a man secretly addicted to porn while being a church minister type. I wonder if a virtually sexless marriage with a person you love is common or acceptable to men or women. I find this topic interesting because I believe that the expression of love is most profoundly comminicated sexually. That is not too suggest that I don't realize there are an infinite number of ways to express romantic love however. What do you think about sexless marriages or sexless romantic relationships? Are they feasably potentially satisfying and healthy?

LilAtheistLady 7 July 8

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78 comments (76 - 78)

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I think sex is fundamental to any romantic relationship. If it’s not present, the relationship is very likely an accommodation for for mutual benefit.


Depends on the person. I couldn't survive in a sexless relationship.

I tried to for many many years and was extremely unhappy. I might have been able to stick it out longer but there was no physical affection at al. No hugs or hand holding. I’m a very touchy feely person and just couldn’t be in a marriage like that any longer.

@Marcie1974 very sad. Aside from sexual interaction, a healthy human needs healthy touch to remain healthy. I get the best hugs from friends and family.


No. It depends on the person.

I'm sick of our culture's obsession with sex.

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