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Like many Humanists we major in Human Rights. But what exactly is a right ? What is involved . Why might one thing be a right and not another in a similar situation. What happens to rights when it is up against the equal but opposite situation or one in an opposite direction e.g. Deportation vs right to family life?

I would suggest that we keep away from animal rights for the moment. It is in my view a completely separate topic. However in clearing up human rights we are preparing the way of animal rights.

Only definition of rights I can come up with at the moment is "something you have to fight for".

Mcflewster 8 Jan 4

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I strongly disagree with your comment on animal rights. Animals are non-judgmental and unconditionally loving. They care not for color or religion or no religion or other personal characteristics. Animals have NO voice of their own as people do.

I mostly agree with what you say, but I do not want this to interfere with the topic about what fundamentally rights are and how we deal with opposing rights etc. Also 'Can a right actually damage a society?'. We in UK just cannot see an end to gun killing in the USA How we get round the right to bear arms is a topic we in the UK would sincerely like to help US citizens. Is it right to stick to history over rights or can we get to a more logical human answer?


This is what I think human rights should be...

Food and shelter, safety, family/socializing, and the freedom of imagination and to create without harming anyone.

As far as I'm concerned this should be basic rights for everyone. No child should have to die of starvation or the lack of medical treatment.

Betty Level 8 Jan 4, 2018

Human rights. wow.. that is one deep subject when it comes to following or knowing what is right could be wrong to another person according to their morals and beliefs. Like what you mentioned above, there are so many variables one needs to consider such as culture, environment, surroundings at the time, social standards, norms, etc.. the list goes on. Technology has changed our ways of viewing the world. Now we can hear and see from across the globe on a daily basis what is going on and weight that out on what is right or wrong. I feel if it's something that impedes a person's way of living, believing to bring on harm, then it is not in the better interest of that group or individual.


I would love to believe we have rights, but I don't. I'm with Carlin- we are granted temporary privileges by our owners, and why we allow ourselves to be owned is way beyond me!


Rights like morals and ethics are constructs of society. They are argued out by about everybody but especially government and we here on When the majority agree and pass a rule, a law, then a right becomes a thing.

gearl Level 8 Jan 4, 2018

The Declaration Of Independence declares them to be natural conditions intrinsic to life, liberty, and happiness. It then lays out what these rights are. I can not improve upon Thomas Jefferson’s writing.

He definitely laid down a good foundation, but new 'rights' in detail are arising every day. Can we cope with any more?

I would argue that they are not new Rights. They are merely subcategories of these defined Rights. I would also argue that those defined in Bill Of Rights are the only one's which matter for law. Any other may be justifiable but our law is not based on extensions of theory. Only the constitution and what's not in there isn't relevant.


I was trying to think of what actually is a right. I wasn't getting anywhere, so I turned the question around and asked; "what is a wrong?" I'm getting nothing. I guess they are what we say they are.


there's no such thing as rights

only in your mind


Our human rights are so in danger right now in the US.

  1. Our Attorney General is interferring with state legalization of Cannabis-recreational and medical.
    The Federal Govt is trying to take away state's rights. I can see California trying to succeed from
    the U. S.

  2. trump's new immigration laws will affect 6 million? DACA is being used as a pawn for herr
    trump's assanine wall.

  3. LGBTQ rights are being minimized. trump's appointment of Gorsuch and yesterday's
    replacement of 48 Federal Judges, including the appointment of Guiliani's business partner in
    the NYC borough where trump's and Jarrod Kushner's businesses are is scary.

These are just a few of US Human Rights that are being threatened. There are many more.

I don't think USA will face a second Secession I agree with you that some rights are in the one to bear arms, for instance.

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