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Basic principle... If you spend more than what you make then you're bound for bankruptcy. Valid for any economy in the world

when it cost more to live than what you can earn makes an economy invalid.

@hankster that's when you realize that what you know or do its not enough to keep up with the pace. One cannot change the pace but one can re-invent itself to get better opportunities. Can we agree that the fancy car and minimum wages job are mutually exclusive?

@IamNobody not everyone can do that even when they realize it. it takes money to get that stuff, the reinvention, that education. people can't stop their menial jobs to do that anyway. a minimum wage job is nothing much. minimum wage - it's just cheaperfor fat cats than paying the rent and transportation for slaves.

@hankster it seems that we have reach a point where we are not going to change each other's stance. You see it like that, I see it like this. That's all there is to it. I am saying that this is what it has worked for me. I really believe that when there is a will there is a way.

@IamNobody if you're concerned about somebody getting something for nothing..... go to the nearest golf course and look at some fat cat riding in his golf cart smoking a cigar that some sick kid paid for... that's where I'm at. I think it's sick.

@hankster I get that but still wonder how would you feel if you were the fat cat?

@IamNobody me? guilty.

@hankster Hear me out.... For a homeless person, likely you are that fat cat. Instead of feeling guilty, you can always give them your money !!!

@IamNobody who says I haven't who says I don't. I don't have much but I do share.


So much for Trickle down economics..the middle class and the workers used to be the backbone of America..the middle class is shrinking and workers are left wondering where manufacturing and mining is gone many flocking to the cities..

Trickle down or Supply Side Economics was never a legitimate economic model. Demand must always precede supply. Businesses do not supply products if no demand exists, no matter how much cash they have. Supply Side Economics was always a scam.


Yea..Robert Reich ..pretty much demonstrated it's fanciful fairy tale thinking..


Q: Where is the profit these workers have created?

A: It's in the pockets of the bosses. That's how the bosses got rich in the first place. They keep the profits created by their workforce.

Yes this is disgustingly true.


The only way it wouldn't be exploitative is if the business was a cooperative.

Whereby the workers run the company themselves and receive a share of the profits. That would eliminate any Jeff Bezos type boss.

If I had the money I'd start a cooperative. A café with a community spirit.


The fact that unemployment is down is very misleading. Once you stop receiving unemployment benefits and you are still not working, you no longer are counted on the rolls of unemployed. Also people are working in jobs where they earn less money and a lot of people with kids need a full time and part time job to make ends meet. People are working later into the age where they could retire - not any more! I'm really discouraged with all of these things in this country and what big businesses are allowed to do. And then you have Trump saying that wages need to go down so that companies can hire more people. WTF??!!

We are mostly free range slaves at this point . it will keep on getting worse until we all get up, get together and force change.

@Blindbird I agree. We were in our bubble and it sure has been burst. Time is ripe for a revolution, which I hope will be at the polls in November. But if not-----all bets are off. And we have to keep that new idiot out of SCOTUS


It is only booming for rich people.


Just as true, if not more so, today!

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