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LINK Former secretary of state Kerry says Trump is ‘destroying our reputation in the world’

“Enough. This isn’t good for the United States and there are people across the aisle — as the Senate vote yesterday clearly showed — who know it and need to say it.”

MrLink 8 July 12

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Does Kerry not know that the Republcans have all taken a vow of Omerta! Just like the mafia they have closed ranks. Mr,Link has kindly explained down below what I mean !! I just assumed everyone would know without having to consult the dictionary!

Omertà /oʊˈmɛərtə/ (Italian pronunciation: [omerˈta]) is a code of honor that places importance on silence, non-cooperation with authorities, and non-interference in the illegal actions of others. It originated and remains common in Southern Italy, where banditry or brigandage and Mafia-type criminal organizations (like the Cosa Nostra) are strong.

That is basically what this looks like.

@jorj I must think that people are more intelligent than they are then. I assume that most people on this site will know the term omertà forgive me for that assumption. The mansplaining term was tongue in cheek, and as far as I am concerned I have no desire to silence men. I don’t understand the reference to red paint and pussy hat but I have a feeling they are a put down. You have a lot of rage there but don’t take it out on me. By the way do you have a comment to make regarding the point of this post or did you just want to have a go at me ?

I did not know the term. When I looked it up I thought - what a great addition to my vocabulary! I wanted to share the intricacy of that definition. Its poignant. Thank you!


The reputation we had was in dire need of destruction. We're not going to be weak-knee'd suckers any more.

The country was in political and economic chaos under the Obama/Clinton regime. We dumped them and things are better practically over night.

The Democrats still embrace them (while whining and throwing tantrums) and their party remains in political and economic chaos.

Go figure.... ?

Actually, the US enjoyed the greatest economic growth in its history under Clinton. Then we had the greatest economic meltdown since in 80 years under Bush II, followed by a Lazarus-like recovery under Obama. The crash of '08 cannot be attributed solely any one President, however. That was due to the weakening of Glass-Steagall under Reagan, Bush I, and even Clinton. New protections (Dodd-Frank) were put in place under Obama, and those have largely been repealed under Trump. So the next meltdown - and make no mistake; it will come - could be even worse than the last one. That will be on Trump and his Republican toadies in Congress.

I find it difficult to understand why Republicans ignore the reality of what is happening in the world.

@Silver1wun -- Alternative facts will net you nothing. The Trump administration is still riding the momentum of the upward swing begun under the 'regime' you mentioned. It remains to be seen what effect the current administration has actually had on the economy, but I can tell you that with what has been happening recently, the picture is bleak. We can but hope for the best.

I understand the original fervor for potential change, but I don't understand the continuing fervor after some experience with this man. Suppose you explain that to us.


John Kerry is an idiot and needs to shut up. He was one of those who made the terrible deal with Iran giving them over 400 billion dollars so he has no room to talk about anything.


Wasn't that what the Manchurian candidate was supposed to do? Throw a spanner in democracy's gearbox?


Yet, George Bush II saying that "God told me to invade Iraq" was not a lesser thing?


He is


TRUE, sadly 100% true.


This message needs to be sent very clearly in the November elections


His assessment of NATO and his praise for Putin very suspect. Very evident he has no concept of foreign policy. NATO commited to increasing its spending especially after the annexation of Crimeria and the assault on the Ukraine. So for him to be hyping up Putin is crazy.


Trump's trip to Belgium, England and Scotland have shown that the populace there are pretty riled with the way he's treated their leaders, his lies and his general lack of decorum. This demonstration of their discontent is whether they agree with their leaders or not.

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