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How do you handle Christian co-workers?

I recently had one of my very religious co-workers tell me about her teenage daughters Christmas concert. She said the chorus didn't sing any traditional Christmas music. She said "I told my husband, I bet the music teacher is an atheist" looking straight at me she said "I found out she is" She had this incredulous look on her face. I didn't say anything but was sitting there thinking how ironic that you're telling this to me, an atheist!

Alliegirl 7 Jan 6

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I have learned to avoid religious discussion in the workplace. Living in the buckle of the bible belt, that's something I get to practice often.


If the concert was sponsored by a church, I suppose I could see some concern about an atheist assuming a position of authority within the church. Just like we would be uncomfortable with a religious person coming here onto these boards and becoming a moderator -- even if the moderation was done in good faith.

But if it's something like a choir club, an organization that exists for the purpose of performing music, why does a person's religiosity have anything to do with how well they train and arrange that music? (Some) Non-Christians sometimes enjoy Christmas music too.


I tell them having a religion is like having a penis. It is OK if you keep it private but don't pull it out and show people or they will probably be offended.


Ask them to give you equal time for your secular preferences.


Thankfully, where l work tends to attract more open minded people. Even those who are religious do not make it a point to ever bring it up. However, my current boss is a believer, but it is more of an identity to her than it is an actual lifestyle. She is very fearful any time 666 appears in anything, though. And on the off chance she makes a colorful comment about me being an atheist, 666 starts showing up in some really strange places, lol.


Reliosity is assumed where I work (pharma R&D company in the southern US). I keep my disbelief well hidden as my current boss has me convinced that he is not above using it as a firing offense. Anytime colleagues get going on a religious topic, I discreetly leave. I absolutely can not afford to be outed by engaging.

Zster Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

That’s unbelievable that they can fire you for that ,That’s outrageous.

It is the way they roll here in the deep south, unfortunately.

I suggest you keep a diary or some other documentation of when this behavior becomes explicit, in case something adverse happens to you in a way that is attributable to your views on religion. If it does, or if you feel it's going to -- and it's a direct result of anti-atheist bias -- go see a lawyer or someone at the EEOC.


If you have to work in a team with one, DON'T TRUST THEM ! The love to see you fail and they will drop you in it every chance they get. They have to be better than you, remember! Don't ask them for any advice or let them check your work...


I have a few Christian coworkers. The most open about his beliefs is a lovely bloke. He's the first in line when folk need help, was very supportive of our trans staff member while he was here, and does not proselytize. Regardless of his private thoughts he's welcome to his faith providing he continues to behave this way. Not least it supports him through the griefs of his own life, which have been extensive.


I'm extremely uncomfortable at work. Everyone thinks they are very open and accepting but they have religious discussions in the break room and talk about how atheists are promoting their agenda in public now because they "feel too safe." At the Thanksgiving party one coworker stood up to talk about how thankful he is for something and ended up saying, "I know not everyone here believes in god, but I just want to say, I want to see everyone here in heaven someday so I really hope you all come to believe in time...." I never eat in the break room and I never socialize in the group because they make me uncomfortable like that on a regular basis.


Years ago I worked with a real Bible thumper and devout church goer who also happened to be one of the most honest sincere hard working and friendly guys I ever worked with .He always was in a good mood which put me in a good mood . I had absolutely no desire to let him know of my non belief . What purpose would this serve. As far as I am concerned religiosity is the least important factor in a coworker . There were non religious people there that I dreaded being around

I definitely agree ,I would rather be around a hard working friendly kind believer ,than a hateful lazy ,rude and obnoxious non believer any day


Let them be who they are until they refuse to let you be you.


It is not always easy, I had seen the hurt looks before, followed by "I pray for you". I don't like to be mean or something so I may just bite my tongue in the sake of civility. I do remember working on a health care insurance commcenter and I was the only male in my group, my female buddy atheist too went on vacation... I told her, never again leave me with those women again alone for a week... their themes "from abduction by aliens chasing one down I-95, to neighbor peeping tom, to pastor having an affair, to husband spending too much time in church, to I believe in god but not in the devil until I saw the devil one day, to when I get drunk I need to have me some, to the devil make me do it and they had seen angels and they pray for this and that and they been praying for me" they drove me nuts for a week. I think they did it on purpose, but maybe not... it was funny when "my girl" came back because I told her everything and pointing at them and this one said this and that one said that... we all laughed... but I wasn't laughing.

That is hilarious!

@tsjames It was great... that group was known as Hector's wives because I was the only guy that stuck around and I was their husband away from home. It was good co-working environment. I am harmless and respectful and they knew it. It was funny when she came back because I told everything and it was funny. Specially the UFO down I95 following one with USAF secrets.


Post makes me think of office gatherings for thanksgiving or xmas luncheons and there's always one to say prayer... all the sheep bow their heads in submission as I look around to see who isn't submitting. May 3-4 out of about 75 people.

I do this too. I’m usually mentally refuting everything they say.

@Alliegirl you non-conformist you!


Looks like you may have found a potential friend !

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