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It is a spoof article, but it's hilarious to think of Queen Elizabeth actually saying this stuff! lol

bingst Level 8 July 17, 2018

The Queen may have thought along those lines, but she never uttered those words. She does not need to resort to such a low level of discourse. Sorry folks, but this one is fake news.

They clearly state that it's satire.

Yes, it is fake news, it is satire. It is funny as hell.

I don't know what you are seeing on your screen, but on mine there is nothing to indicate that the story in anything but straight news (except that it is obviously full of falsehoods). No mention of satire anywhere. Was I supposed to have prior knowledge of the Daily Mash? I don't recall ever seeing it or hearing of it before. For that kind of joke to work you do kind of have to know that its a joke. In this day of fake news and propaganda, how else is one supposed to tell the difference?

@Flyingsaucesir Usually, on any site, if you look for the About page, it will give you a good idea what the site is... about. That's what the link I posted is. I almost always look for this when visiting an unfamiliar web site. If it's unclear, I look for other sources about the site, like Wikipedia, especially if it looks like a news site.

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