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Does it matter anymore who makes the first move?

As a heterosexual female, I sometimes feel like men are either intimidated or turned off when I make the first move. But does that even matter anymore in this day and age? Do men still feel obligated to make first contact? Is this question applicable in the LGBTQ community?

BeeHappy 9 Jan 7

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Yes White usually wins. Oh, wait! You are not talking about chess. I guess I have a one track mind. 😉

Lol 🙂


I had hoped never to have to think about this again, at least not insofar as it concerned me. But here I am, single in my 60s, and I have no frikkin' idea. I guess what happened recently at the Green Parrot, a Key West pub, is emblematic of my approach (or lack of one) to the problem. I was drinking with this rather engaging sous-chef sitting next to me, and on my other side was a nice-looking woman (probably in her 50s) who had come in with a crowd but was now drinking wine by herself. I thought about saying something to her, but I'm pretty shy and didn't want to seem like a jackass, so I didn't say anything to her, and she finally finished her wine and left. The sous-chef told me she had been sneaking glances at me, but there could be all sorts of reasons for that. The bottom line is that I'm shy, never figured I'd be in this position again, and have no idea what to do. Fortunately, given all this, I'm OK with my own company.


Depends Greatly on the guy!


I feel the same way @BeeHappy. If I've met someone-gone out a couple of times and they stop calling I like to get closure with that person. Dating today is a conundrum to me.

It's good to know I'm not alone in my confusion. Lol


It has never really mattered.


Doesn't make a bit of difference to me I am pretty good at reading body language and none verbal clues so when it happens I am not all that surprised. If woman asks my out she just beat me to the draw.


I know at 24 I would be captivated by a woman who makes the first move. Not sure if that's unanimous, but for me it's too hard to find time to go out often so a clear message of "I'm interested" doubles the possibility of a match. If I am required to be the only one making a move, there could be a lot of missed opportunities.


I on the other side have always been someone who waits for the woman to make the first move that never happened. 😉 well, now I am married.

👍 Thanks


I'll make one now. Hi there. Come here often?


Tight accounting in matters of the heart is of little use, but over the long haul, granting space for reciprocity allows authentic balance to emerge, if there is potential for it.

skado Level 9 Jan 8, 2018
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