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Say that your status changed and you are no longer mortal and you possessed the abilities of a deity. Would you want some subspecies to worship you? Not me I would find it revolting.

azzow2 9 Jan 7

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Do I desire to have Ants worship me? No.

And, of course if I had the powers of a deity, and their behavior was paramount to how I consider their fate, I would have simply created them to innately act as I wish them to. There would be no need for praise or judgment.


Yes absolutely, I am vein. I would make my palace and bring prosperity to those who would see the wisdom in praising my generosity and power. It seems only natural.


I guess I believe that any "higher being" that's so insecure it demands, or even desires, worship from lower beings is not deserving of worship to begin with. I see myself as agnostic so if a higher being could be verified I'd be open to the possibility of liking it, but I'd actively oppose any that sought to coerce worship or obedience.
By the same measure, if it were me I'd have to unfriend myself for that behavior.


Initially I thought "Yippee! What fun I can have"

Then as I thought about it I realised that in fact I would be bored shitless.

No adrenaline, no having to push myself to achieve, just a metaphorical click of the fingers and whoosh- job done. So unless I'm up against another god there would really be little point to anything.

Maybe that's why the christian god doesn't seem to give a shit either...


My understanding is the deity just needs to be recognised,no more no less. That in itself is the reward .i.e it is merely the self realisation on an individual basis.


Definitely not! I think about this all the time. I never understood why theists think it’s okay that a deity would create living things and demand to be worshipped and be deemed as “all good” and “all powerful,” yet his creation suffers unimaginably every day. Does not make sense to me to worship something only because they believe it created them or out of fear.

even if there were dieties, they would not be insecure like humans and demand validation. this is just one more way to know that religion is utter bollocks. humans are so transparent. (ok, sorry this is all just the therapist in me coming out.... but religion... ugh... so silly and sophomoric... hilarious...)


IDK, all the assholes from previous employers and bullies from grade school...
Would be rather amusing to say the least... LMAO!


Me too. The whole idea doesn't appeal to me.

My story has a moral, look at silverotter11 my reply.


Isn't that that the whole point of the 'Jesus' tales written about in the bible? We are suppose to emulate and be more like a jesus being; kind, loving, accepting of all beings, etc. I for sure would not 2b worshipped. I think the greatest honor would be for subspecies to follow my ideals and try not to corrupt them. I guess that is my biggest problem with christians, how down right mean they can be to non-believers.

Actually my point was, in the very unlikely even a deity existed to worship it would more insulting to it than to just carry on with life.


That's why their imaginary god hates his worshipers and likes to prank them with war, pestilence and starvation. Other than that, he is a nice guy.

It is perplexing that the believers can`t put that equation together. They explain away the tragedy as well as the winfalls wit the inane adge god works in mysterious ways.


I'd be Odin. I figure people can make their own damn minds up. My mind is to small, and I am ignorant.

wasn't it Odin that had a hammer... and "that other guy" that was strung up with nails... just sayin'


No worship, please! Freaking embarrassing! Just io what I say, in a speedy fashion!


no hit it on the nail. Who wants to spend the 'rest of eternity' with the God in the Bible??? What an asshole!!!

if there is a "god" and xSTAINs go to "heaven" i sure as want to go to the HOT place... and... i love the sweat lodge.... so... there'd be hot stones there 24/7.


Having a few minions around could be fun.

godef Level 7 Jan 8, 2018



I don't think you would have a choice as long as there was some sub-species around the stupidest among them would want to worship you and make up wild stories about you and the others would just be envious and want to be you.

um.... i just want to be me, don't give a flying what anyone thinks about me (except my two children... who still seem to adore me) ... and... oh i forgot the other thing.


No way, but it may be possible to look around at people you know. How do they treat their pets and kids? My parent always treated us as less, because we were their children. Respect your elders , obey your parents, I am almost 60 and my mothers still sprouts it,.

I lived that subservient life to my stepfather.

seems that the older generation, by telling us " respect your elders" and "listen to your parents" and "be seen and not heard" kept our egos a bit more in check.

i know in my failed marriage, my kids came first. (of course my ex was a cheating whore - no, really - but that's another tale for another day)... but that's ok.... i'll keep my kids first. it was worth it.

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