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Does science offer enough evidence to dismiss any plausible god options?

Granted we don't have all the answers, as far as prior to the big bang, or abiogenisis / panspermia. but I am of the mind of lawrence krausse , that when you can offer natural scientific plausible explainations, there are no reasons for supernatural ones.

MichaelSpinler 8 Jan 8

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I agree, at this point there does not appear to be any evidence of supernatural agency in the universe, nor is there anything that appears to require a supernatural explanation. Doesn't disprove all definitions of God, it pretty much can't, but does mean there isn't anything to talk about in a scientific sense.


Love that meme you put up. Science can’t answer everything and the point for gods/goddesses was from ignorant Bronze Age people that had little understanding to the real world so the creation of gods/goddesses were needed. It is a mystery how life actually got started, though. And as far as Adam and Eve go and original sin, that makes no sense cause Cain’s wife just seems to pop into the picture so even if that was true, that would mean not all of us would be decendents of the original sin, considering his wife came from neither Adam or Eve.


Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Unfortunately science cannot test for god or the supernatural, not in way that would prove a negative anyway, i.e. that they don't exist.

That is why the common response you'll hear from all scientists to the question "What would make you believe?" and that is "testable and reproducible evidence".

@MichaelSpinler , we kind of already stopped pandering to believers, we present evidence and if religious people dismiss it for some supernatural substitute we don't say it's equally valid. It's one reason that creationism is not taught in school. And scientists already hold that "just because I don't know doesn't mean there's a supernatural reason".

I also missed the part in the main post about "what occurred before the big bang" and I think it was Hawking that said it best, you can't talk about a time BEFORE time. Without time, there is no before.

I think the problem arises that if there is some god-like entity it would be naturally explainable and in line with the perception that modern technology would appear like magic to the cave dwellers we descended from. The cave dweller may not be able to explain our modern technology in any way other than to claim we are gods but it doesn't make our science, their gap god, supernatural.


Supernatural reasons abound when people fear their non existence!!" What happens when I die?" Offer them an explanation, any explanation, and they beg to believe it!! Throw in that Heaven is better than Disneyland, and that Hell is worst than war; Angels ,Jesus, God; Peddle anything other than when you die your existence is over! People will believe it! Rene' Descarte said I think therefore I am; so the inverse of that would be when I don't think I'm not! Once the brain shuts down it's over, done ,zip That it !!What's so hard to believe about that !!!


For me it does.!


300,000 yrs ago Homo Sapiens roamed in South Africa where that skull was just found.

@MichaelSpinler thank you those are my thoughts on this exactly. Even Richard Dawkins is accepting of the god of gaps as long as one is willing to accept scientific proof when /if it is disproven.


It does for me.

gearl Level 8 Jan 8, 2018

There is the question of eternity. There might not be any.

jeffy Level 7 Jan 8, 2018

In order to intelligently answer this question, you have to define what god is.

@MichaelSpinler yep. Created by man to make sense of the world and where they came from in the Bronze Age.


I think if Christianity is going to survive in any form, it must do away with the notion that there is a separation between supernatural and natural causes. It must recognize that there are no such thing as miracles, there are only natural laws that we may not completely understand yet. The material universe functions under a rational set of "divine" laws dominated by the first law which is cause and effect. Further Christian groups must accept that spiritual and physical truths are one and the same. No religion which denies these facts will survive the harsh light of objective scientific scrutiny, nor should it.

@MichaelSpinler It's easy to debunk the Bible if you read it as literal history. That's not how the 4 gospels were originally written. When the original Hebrew Symbolism is understood, it becomes a valuable tool. Very much like Buddhism.

@MichaelSpinler The "history" of the Bible only provides a backdrop to the actual lessons. The Bible doesn't describe the Creator, it describes how societies and individuals relate to their perception of the creator. If you think that peer reviewed scientific journals will ever become popular with the masses, you are kidding yourself. Docudramas are more popular than documentaries for the most part. You have to present lessons in ways which are relatable, or most people won't see the value and will move on to the next shiny materialistic object.


No. Science covers the area on technological development and the understanding of the universal laws as we see them.

There is an analogy which explains that just because we can't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Electromagnetic waves. If you went back 1000 years and talked about there being gamma rays or x rays or infrared rays, the people would ask for proof. You wouldn't be able to show them without the technology of today. Therefore although people back in 1000 couldn't see or prove that x rays or gamma rays existed. They existed regardless of their belief.

Think about it like this. We can prove or disprove things based on tangible evidence. However there are some cases where we have no evidence to prove or disprove a theory. That theory is God.

Also it depends on how you define what a god is. Some religions or cults used to / still worship humans as gods.


Science shows that the universe behaves just as it would without a god and that one is not necessary. If one invokes a self-aware being, esp one that is given certain (human) attributes, it begs the question: how did this complex being come to exist?

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