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LINK Nebraska farmers feeling the effects of Trump's trade wars.

Coming soon to your side of the woods.

HippieChick58 9 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Some of these farmers might regret it when it really bites them. However, I think there is a big subset of them - especially the evangelicals who will follow Trump anywhere. If Trump pulls the trigger on the rest of the Chinese tariffs, all hell is going to break loose economically. Trump yesterday said that the stock market gains since he had become president had allowed him do trade wars since “we are playing with the banks’ money”. That has to rank up there with the stupidest thing he has ever said.

Ohub Level 7 July 22, 2018

I keep thinking he has reached bottom, and then he digs more.


Yep. Papaya Papadoc is fucking over everyone who's not already rich.


All I have to say to Red State farmers is that you, "Reap what you sow." I have no sympathy for them.


Here's a very plausible scenario, and I say plausible because it has happened in the past: these farms, some of which, like the one in the video, are "family owned." If/When the tariffs cause them to go under, as the interviewee noted, then corporations will buy them up. Once the corporations buy the small guys out, if the market continues to produce insufficient profit, the corporations will seek out subsidies from the government; and if those are not enough, they'll lobby for more, and likely get it. Who wins in the end?



Gosh, maybe he shouldn't have voted for a jackass that'll stick it to anybody and everybody to line his own pockets.

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