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It’s hard to feel bad for pure disrespectful people, who have little to none respect for other people’s space. A short clip of people preaching on someone else property when they clearly asked them to stop.

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 8

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They have a regular ministry at the courthouse?!



Of course they are the victims. We see people like this all the time and usually they have a mental problem. Their freedoms take priority over all others. Maybe they will convert some of their fellow prisoners.

You’re right about a lot of them himself mental illness. I woman swore up and down to me she heard the voice of god in her head.


They will never see themselves as anything but right. I spent three summers in D.C. and obnoxious people like this were all too common. They are so enraptured by the correctness of their message that they don't realize that the effect they are having is just the opposite of what they want. Idiots!


I'd be like, "GTFOH!"


What pious pieces of shit!

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