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Anyone actually look forward to jehovah's witnesses knocking on their doors?

Whenever I see the jehovah's witnesses in my neighborhood I eagerly sit and wait for them to knock on my door just so that I can reverse preach to them about science, logic, and reason. Does anyone do this? If so what topics do you like to discuss?

Buddy24260 4 July 24

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I realised recently that I'm actually afraid of religious doorsteppers because I'm so bloody polite that I'd probably sign up to anything they had just so I wouldn't offend them.

But actually, I kicked myself for passing up the opportunity when one came knocking the other day. I sent him packing because I was busy, but afterwards wondered if I could have invited him in for a cuppa and a spot of epistemology.

Hmm... How well would that have gone?


I do. I'm a happy, antagonistic hypocrite. Told my son that we should always be nice to dumb animals, but then these people come by and there's the thinnest veneer concealing my contempt as we discuss what I need to be saved from, efficacy of thoughts and prayers, who wrote the bible, the role of Judas as a useful pawn, Jesus as a social activist vs son of God, what elevates their brand of Christianity above others. I decline their offer of copies of The Watchtower, recommending in turn Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Reza Aslan, knowing full well the likelihood that they'll ever crack open any of them.



Marine Level 8 July 24, 2018

I used to talk to the JWs at the train station, but that got tedious really fast. Their brains are stuck on repeat, and there's no arguing with them. They're completely resistant to facts and logic.


Not at all. I usually hide and pretend I'm not home.

it's more fun to whack them with reality though. maybe not for you, I understand, but it is fun. when you say something, and one looks at the other one like 'what do I say to that?'


Not just them. Others. If I'm not busy. Last time I actually talked to one of those door-to-door belife-pushers came over there were two kids about 18-19ish. I talked to them for about an hour. Half the conversation was you'd have to ask the priest that as a responce. I did get a book of Mormon out of the deal. They offered, knew I wasn't going to take it serious, but still had them give me one! Trash time baby! Last time one of these guys came over was some dude saying "we're welcoming new people from the community to celebrate our lord and savior jesus christ". I pointed to the No Soliciting sign on my door, and slammed it in his face. I have 2 doors that go into my house. Best $1.98 I spent!


A good one with anyone of any religion is to mention evolution. You get hit with biblical things like "kinds" and they will tell you that you are simply talking about "adaptation." WTF is a "kind" and "adaptation" is a part of evolution.


After telling them I was a witch when they knocked on my new home's door in 2000 I haven't had any trouble with anybody trying to proselytize at my door.


I do if I am not busy, they can be great fun. Trouble is they don't seem to come around anymore.

That is my impression too. I used to be a rank and file JW and we were out every weekend while the 'professionals' were out every day.


I do, but they always show up when I don’t have time to challenge them.


Not the JWs, but Mormon missionaries. They will help around the house. Clean, yard work, etc. The few that I have had help really appreciated the opportunity. It was a break from their routine and kept them away from more rejection. And we never discussed any religion.

Mormon Missies are fun, the poor lads are usually 18, wet behind the ears and filled up with bullshit promises of the five spiritual gift.
The look of crumbling realization on their faces when faced with someone like me, who actually used to train missionaries, is both sad and priceless. Every point they throw is batted away or preempted, every "fact" is proven a lie from LDS own sources and they always eventually resort to simply baring their testimonies and running for it.
At present the greatest number of male apostasies in the LDS are returning missionaries, early returning missionaries and former Bishops.
A common site now in the area I live is Mormon Missionaries, skulking in a corner of starbucks, with their badges in their pockets, either moaning or crying in to their Latte

That's clever!


NO. I don't get into discussions with religious wing nuts.

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