Men, what is up with the fascination of a younger woman ?
As a fellow atheist, agnostic or secular person I presume you consider science in general and specifically the theory of evolution to be valid explanations of certain natural phenomena?
Whilst I believe your question to be heavily loaded with misandry and is more rhetorical rather than seeking true balanced insight, here is a science based answer anyway.
Human beings are biological entities (animals) that are driven by/suffer the same environmental pressures as other living beings. We need to eat, drink, sleep, shelter and procreate. As female mammals behaviour is driven by cycling hormones to prepare the body for reproduction, as is the males, think rutting Stags fighting for dominance and Does selecting only the strongest males to mate with. In lower species this reproductive repertoir of behaviour is more evident of course but in human beings these drives and behaviours are wrapped up in thinking and culture and result in more nuanced behaviour, yet it is there nonetheless and is fundamental to the human condition. The drive to reproduce is imprinted strongly in our unconscious being. Indeed, we need it to be that way or we die out as a species.
A man is fertile throughout his life, to an advanced age and dominant, Alpha males, top specimens (think Mick Jagger etc) will seek the most fertile female (I.e. young) to either procreate with or to simulate procreation with by sex acts. These Alphas often actually do get the young fertile women as they have the goods females are programmed to select for (more of that in a minute) but the Betas are still programmed similarly but want and don't get! The signs of youth that manifest in the female physical form that signal fertility to males are pert breasts, clear whites of the eyes, pert backside, shiny hair and red, full lips. All these features being more common in younger people. This is evolutionary biology and the reproductive drive being expressed in human behaviour.
So, in the same vein, I can ask you...What's the deal with women being fascinated by guys with money and status? This is called Female Hypergamy. Again, good old reproductive drive wins the day. The Doe selects the best Stag to mate with. A female will select what she considers to be the best DNA for her offspring coupled with the best possibility of having the best resources to bring them up with. Hence the guy with money and status gets the most attention. We see this in male birds building nests for mates and male penguins trading stones for sex. Nature never puts out for free! She asks a price.
As sentient, thinking beings (ha!) we can use our higher brains to balance or even over-ride our biological programming if we choose. So, some men loyally remain with their middle aged wives and partners because the strong, loving personal bond and respect between them is stronger than that niggling sexual itch just below the surface and they don't have affairs with women half their age and equally some women will choose a man because he is a decent, loving companion rather than for his material value and are happy to be the bread winner. Both are rare and precious, most people (men and women) lack this awareness and the good conscience to behave accordingly. Phrasing such a question in a male blaming context misses the duality of the whole picture and implies lack of agency and responsibility on the part of females. In order to understand male mating behaviour you must understand female's too. As Lao Tzu said "Knowing thyself is enlightenment".
Best wishes
As a young man at 20 I only had 1 relation with a woman older than me 26. She had keep an eye on me since I was 16 as I recalled those days. The only relationship that did not ended in a hug. Even 1 year older I just kinda didn't liked back then. They were always younger but not rocking the cradle. There was a time in life where only thing available was young, way too young and willing but not comfortable either to me. My conclusion was women stay far too long on bad marriages for whatever valid reasons. One woman younger than me told me "You wasted my last Prime Years I had left". We still best friends but I wonder how much she resent me now and just not tell me. FOR THE LADIES IF IS BROKEN IS NOT FIXABLE... YOU NEED TO LEAVE A BAD RELATION SOON IS NO LONGER FIXABLE. I could be wrong in all of this. In Crete I looked for women my age but they were on marriages or relationships and not travelling for fun. That taught me a lesson.
They are good to look at and good for fun, but I dated women like 8-10 years younger than me and you can tell they were immature with their thinking. I dated a 23 year old when I was like 31 and she was really immature. She would lie and avoid serious conversations. I dated a 25 year old when I was like 33 and she was really naive and submissive to everyone. This is obviously a generalization and not necessarily true of all people those ages. Maybe it's all relative to your age though. Maybe 45 year olds think the same of me lol
A new relationship that draws you into new energy can be very tempting. Although, age is not something I consider strongly, youthful partners offer a path back to younger days. The flattery may be false and eventually the age difference can be daunting. Men tend to not act their true age well. Youth draws us in and massages our ego as well as boosting the id. When I am confronted with a chance to enjoy a youthful relationship I try to keep in mind the advice provided by the song, "She's Only a Bird in a Gilded Cage". This helps to limit my involvement to the good friend level. I can mentor, but I will not marry.
Nice to look at, just like nice scenery . Personally I don't go for younger, all my relationships have been with women between 1 and 3 years older, and have never intentionally had a lady friend more than 2 years younger. So I think part of this conversation is, why are women attracted to older men? Because I have had 3 ladies in the past 7 years put their ages up by about 10 years when making contact. Historically, older men are more capable providers, proven in battle, hold land and so on. Younger women better able to bear children. Often a king or lord would wed his young daughter to a grizzled old warrior as a reward. If you are just talking aesthetics, why do people like new cars? Male or female, young must be more attractive, all their own hair and teeth, no wrinkles, more energy.
I am not really that fascinated with younger women I find I have little in common with them, they often lack maturity and come with too much baggage and not enough experience.
I can only speak for myself... I think we are slow to realize we gotten old and the metrics need to continue moving along as we got older. I always said I am not going to be used and exploited by a younger woman to satisfy my ridiculous ego. I have nothing to prove I have young, I have pretty, I have taller than me... When it was my turn to do those things. I need a match in other things that are different than physical. Maturity, an old soul at heart will be important to me. I need someone if found that will get old with me... not mature with me. I am already mature. I have nothing to prove with somebody young. My metrics been moved with my age accordingly. It means I will consider maturity close to mine. I am a lot of fun but not for a someone half my age. I may still be the same Hell Bound Depraved Demon of always but I am comfortable with another experienced naughty lady that has lived and can teach this old dog new tricks.
I like what I have always liked always and that is generally woman between about 25 and 45 with exceptions of course like Helen Mirren or Rachel Welsh perhaps. it's not just men anyway and it's not as cut and dry as that either. personally, I first have to be attracted to the way a woman looks but then I get attracted to everything else like personality, intelligence etc.
I will fight you for Helen Mirren.
@MrLizard we still need to get rid of her husband... lucky bastard!!!! I wish more women use her as a role model instead than a kardashian.
me too shes lovely and sexy