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Any smokers out there? I have found I am tired of this newest addiction. I started smoking for the first time only 9 years ago. It began with cloves and although I have also gone periods over that 9 years where I did not smoke for years, I seem to return back in times of stress like during break-ups, which is why I am currently smoking. Albeit, my breakup was well over a year ago and here I am, still smoking! A friend of mine borrowed my vehicle for the evening and I didn't realize my cigs were inside my car so now I am stranded too far from a store and without cigs. I swear, I would jump a midget for a cig about right now (chuckle) and what I hate most about this is that the Cigs Control the Ari and not the other way around. I loathe having something else in control of my emotions and my mental wherewithall. Ugh! My mind just keeps gravitating back to cigarettes. I feel like I need that service from the Stephen King movie "Cats Eye." The one with James Woods called "Quitters Inc." haha! I may end up with a missing pinky though! yikes!

Sadoi 7 Jan 10

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Sort it out, woman! x


Thanks to taking up Vaping have not had a smoke in well over a year and I'm down to 3 nicotine.


After a nearly 40 year pack-a-day habit, I smoked my last cigarette around Thanksgiving. The cigarette pack is still in my jacket pocket, about half full, but I have not smoked any of them since the end of November.

It was my 13th quit attempt in the last 6 years, and so far has been the most successful. I feel good about it. I don't want to smoke anymore.

Nearly two years ago, I quit drinking. Now I quit smoking. I'm running low on bad habits!! lol


Watch someone you love die a slow, painful death from lung cancer.... and imagine that someone else you love may have to watch YOU go through that someday. <3


You can do it and you know you need to quit smoking. you will be soooo proud of yourself. you would also be preparing yourself to invite a different kind of guy into your life that the kind you have in the past. get one pack of nicorette gum and quit!!


I have never smoked cigarettes in my life ,but am not against it like some people that are over fanatical about it .I really do not care if someone smokes in my presenceme .I have dated females that smoked and most of the time it was ok ,except in one instance in which she was a chain smoker and it became to much of problem for me . I do smoke marijuana on occasion


I've never smoked, never tried any illicit drugs, and I don't drink. I was hooked on Mountain Dew and was bitch to get off that. I had to learn what was in it to finally stop. Now it's just water.

Good luck! I hope it works out for you.


Anyone who wants to smoke marijuana is perfectly welcome to by me.
But, California has billed itself as the most vehement anti-smoking state in the union and yet thousands of people line up to buy recreational marijuana. Not " Medicinal ", but " Recreational" marijuana.
Anyone who's willing to tolerate the smell of his neighbor's pot can tolerate the smell of his neighbor's tobacco.
Anyone who smokes " Recreational Marijuana" has no business complaining about someone else's tobacco.

i smoke both. or at least i did. lol Im still friendly with the bud.


No thanks. Couldn't date a smoker either.

I worked in disease research years back, and saw all too clearly the direct connection to smoking and a horror show of debilitating, and usually fatal diseases.


So you would walk a mile for a Camel? ???? 😉


Never smoked probably because my parents did not and stressed that I follow their example

It was the same for me. Not many smoked in my family, plus I am from California and No One smokes in Calif. It was made illegal to smoke in most public venues many decades ago. You couldnt even smoke on the sidewalks outside of buildings. It was hilarious because when I lived in Santa Monica I frequently hung out at a placed called The Third Street Promenade which is a cobblestone street with zero car traffic and outdoor courts, shops, cafes, etc. Whenever midwestern tourists were in town, they would ask many of us locals where they could smoke if not on the patios. This is where it got funny! The only place you could legally smoke was on Santa Monica Blvd 20 feet from the sidewalk, which would put you Right in the Middle of the Traffic lanes on a super busy street like Santa Monica Blvd right near the SM Pier! hahaha! The tourists would look at me shocked and offended as they responded with things like, "Are you fucking kidding me?! We CAN smoke but ONLY in the middle of heavy traffic?" And I would cringe, grin, shrug and would say, "uh... yeah... pretty much." haha When I took up smoking and whenever I go back home to visit, all my family and friends are fully disgusted with me. lol! I feel bad. hah

I can relate to that. My mother gave up smoking when I was five or six, and my father a year later. I never smoked.


I quit 4 years ago. Don't miss it and I smoked for 40 years. Just quit one day. Now, don't laugh but try some really strong 'Sleepy Time" or similar tea. Just sit and relax then tap your forehead in the middle up near the hair line. Fine things to do and not think about cigs.


I prefer a pinch of tobacco, and believe me it is addicting. If I quit for two years, I would never touch it again.


I just felt the urge to commiserate that cloves were also my "gateway" cigarette 😟 Always loved the scent of them at the clubs when ppl would have them. Then got hooked. Thankfully they made me sick when i got pregnant but afterward post partum stress had me falling off the wagon.
I've quit a couple of times and had periods where I was super cut down, chantix helps a lot, but I had a horrible relapse last year and haven't tried since. The closest I can come to cutting down of late is sleeping a lot.

Makes me VERY angry at myself as I never smoked. Late in life habit this. Dumbest thing I ever did.


I smoked for 38 years, then had a heart attack and quit cold turkey. The surprising thing was that I expected to have all kinds of physical withdrawal symptoms, but I didn't have any at all, not one. I discovered that, for me, it wasn't an addiction so much as a habit. For the first year, I would have vivid dreams, so real that for a long time I was never sure it WAS a dream, of smoking. But that was the only thing. It's been 10 years, and I have no urge to smoke cigarettes. Plus, I couldn't afford them anymore. 🙂

marga Level 7 Jan 31, 2018

I quit cigarettes 1980 saving my lungs for weed . At least you get a buzz from weed .

True! I do both. Usually at the same time in rotation. lol


Rudyard Kipling - “You must choose between me and your cigar.” Breach of Promise
Something to make you smile. Mr Kipling had a good sense of humor.

the old cigar-box, get me a Cuba stout,
For things are running crossways, and Maggie and I are out.
We quarrelled about Havanas—we fought o’er a good cheroot,
I know she is exacting, and she says I am a brute.
Open the old cigar-box—let me consider a space;
In the soft blue veil of the vapour musing on Maggie’s face.
Maggie is pretty to look at—Maggie’s a loving lass,
But the prettiest cheeks must wrinkle, the truest of loves must pass.
There’s peace in a Laranaga, there’s calm in a Henry Clay;
But the best cigar in an hour is finished and thrown away—
Thrown away for another as perfect and ripe and brown—
But I could not throw away Maggie for fear o’ the talk o’ the town!
Maggie, my wife at fifty—grey and dour and old—
With never another Maggie to purchase for love or gold!
And the light of Days that have Been the dark of the Days that Are,
And Love’s torch stinking and stale, like the butt of a dead cigar—
The butt of a dead cigar you are bound to keep in your pocket—
With never a new one to light tho’ it’s charred and black to the socket!
Open the old cigar-box—let me consider a while.
Here is a mild Manilla—there is a wifely smile.
Which is the better portion—bondage bought with a ring,
Or a harem of dusky beauties fifty tied in a string?
Counsellors cunning and silent—comforters true and tried,
And never a one of the fifty to sneer at a rival bride?
Thought in the early morning, solace in time of woes,
Peace in the hush of the twilight, balm ere my eyelids close,
This will the fifty give me, asking nought in return,
With only a Suttee’s passion—to do their duty and burn.
This will the fifty give me. When they are spent and dead,
Five times other fifties shall be my servants instead.
The furrows of far-off Java, the isles of the Spanish Main,
When they hear my harem is empty will send me my brides again.
I will take no heed to their raiment, nor food for their mouths withal,
So long as the gulls are nesting, so long as the showers fall.
I will scent ’em with best vanilla, with tea will I temper their hides,
And the Moor and the Mormon shall envy who read of the tale of my brides.
For Maggie has written a letter to give me my choice between
The wee little whimpering Love and the great god Nick o’ Teen.
And I have been servant of Love for barely a twelvemonth clear,
But I have been Priest of Cabanas a matter of seven year;
And the gloom of my bachelor days is flecked with the cheery light
Of stumps that I burned to Friendship and Pleasure and Work and Fight.
And I turn my eyes to the future that Maggie and I must prove,
But the only light on the marshes is the Will-o’-the-Wisp of Love.
Will it see me safe through my journey or leave me bogged in the mire?
]Since a puff of tobacco can cloud it, shall I follow the fitful fire?
Open the old cigar-box—let me consider anew—
Old friends, and who is Maggie that I should abandon you?
A million surplus Maggies are willing to bear the yoke;
And a woman is only a woman, but a good Cigar is a Smoke.
Light me another Cuba—I hold to my first-sworn vows.
f Maggie will have no rival, I’ll have no Maggie for Spouse!


I’d met an ok guy, and been on a couple of dates, and I thought it was time to poop or disembark.

At my age, and considering how few appealing (to me) men live in my area, I felt pretty confident this guy might be my last best choice for male companionship in this life.

He smoked cigars and made sure I was aware that this habit was s part of who he was. Other women had asked him to stop, and he’d refused. In our two dates and many conversations, I hadn’t mentioned his smoking.

But on date three, if you have no desire to kiss, wtf are you doing really?

I just couldn’t imagine the taste I’d get from that stinky hole in his face, and I was not about to put my mouth on it.


If you are that bad, i wouldn't get on a long haul flight. Not just because of the time involved but because since smoking was banned on planes (by Clinton through a deal with the petro-chemical companies) the air inside them is foul - don't have to circulate fresh oxygen anymore. Tobacco has become the whipping boy for industries which polute on a massive scale. Your car (and mine) crank out more causes of pulmonary disease than your smoking. Which is why I try not to drive, or do as little as possible. So don't beat yourself up. Say to yourself. I am going to enjoy some really nice tobacco when these period is over. Its how my father survived a concentration camp in the far east. The thing is, that the majority of the men who didnt make it out were non smokers. I had something to look forward to my father would say. Although it was possible to get tiny bits of native tobacco if you could barter, it was accoding to my dad, awful stuff. So he would dream about how he was going to enjoy a real cigarette. Gave himself a future.

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