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Have you ever seen a movie that you wished you never seen?

I wished I had never seen Open Water. The first one, of course. The fact that movie was based on true events and a real couple. Ugh! Poor people!

EmeraldJewel 7 July 28

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Every Elvis movie l ever saw.

@Sheannutt I've had furniture that had more acting skills than Elvis.


At 16, after seeing my first horror movie, I had the same nightmare for 10 years. In my dream:

A large, psychotic man is chasing me to kill me. Desperately, I scramble up a tree, trying to escape. He relentlessly follows. There is no escape. When his hand grabs my ankle... I jerked awake, terrified.

After that, I have refused to watch horror movies. That first horror movie is burned into my brain:

My boyfriend and I saw a movie about a Welsh man whose relatives committed him to a psychiatric institution, to get his inheritance and the family estate.

Trapped in the psychiatric ward, the brother becomes psychotic, obsessed with revenge.

He knots bedsheets together to escape. At night, he runs across the moors to his family home, where he murders his relatives one-by-one.

A sister opens a bedroom closet door. Suddenly the camera becomes her eyes. Looking down, we see legs standing inside boots. Horrified, we look up. As she screams, an ax swings violently into our face.

The insane brother never got caught. After each murder, he ran back to the institution and went to sleep.

That movie sounds amazing to me!

That movie sounds like a loser to me. Scary movies usually don't do it for me. I do like sci-fi and the scariest movie is "Alien" I read the book first and figured they could not film it the way portrayed in the book. I was wrong. Scared me so bad I would not go into places not lit. I realized that this is not true and dark places do not bother me except that I have a tendancy to hit things with my shins. Hope your foot is doing better and you can get back to hiking soon.


Thank you. My foot is feeling a bit better.

Horror movies are my favorites! Yes, the vast majority of them end up being shitty. For instance, I love the Alien movies! (Most of them at least.) But I enjoy the possibility of getting scared.

So, you like that the horror movie gave me nightmares?

Show some empathy.


Oh... I read it wrong the first time, or your edit cleared it up. I thought you wrote the first horror movie you SAW had that plot. That sounds like a cool movie concept to me. I don't recall it saying it was a recurring nightmare you had. My mistake.

Thank you for your kind response.

Of course! And I'm glad your foot is doing better!


Thank you.


"The Blair Witch Project" By the end I was rooting for the witch to eat them already and be done with it.

I totally fell asleep watching it.

Hahaha! I was actually creeped out how they couldn’t leave. The strain it’d cause on someone’s sanity.

I felt the same way lol


Off the top of my head...

Twilight - Vampires don't sparkle and are apex predators.
50 Shades of Gray - Money makes abusive relationships sexier... some how shrugs
Prometheus/Alien Covenant - Goodbye H.R. Gigers space monster.
Jack Reacher - Tom Cruz isn't a badass.

I'll stop here lol


Worst movie ever. Plan 9, from Outer Space. So bad I bet none of you have even heard of it.

I've seen it. It was so bad it was hilarious.

@memorylikeasieve I also put Reefer Madness in my top 5. It's dialogue is some funny shit. Of course the dude playing the piano is in my learned opinion, without equal. I'm assuming you have seen it.

Are you kiddig? It is awful, but it's Bella Lugosi's last movie. I find the back story of Wood's financing it hilarious as well.

It's so bad that it has become the standard for low/no quality and yet has become a cult favorite.


The reason I cannot watch horror movies is because of a traumatic experience when I was five years old.

My grandparents lived next door to a kindly psychiatrist and his wife. They loved kids and let me climb in their apple trees. They made sure I was safe.

One day, when we were visiting my grandparents, the psychiatrist's wife ran screaming into my grandparent's backyard, covered in blood.

Her husband was eating lunch alone in his office, when a female patient rushed in with a large knife. She killed the psychiatrist. His office was covered in blood.

When his secretary returned from lunch, she discovered her boss dying. She called an ambulance and his wife. He died in his wife's arms.

Hysterical, his wife spilled out the gory story in front of me. I will never forget it.

WTF. Sounds like a Stephen King book. How old were you? The stuff of nightmares.

WTF. Sounds like a Stephen King book. How old were you? The stuff of nightmares.

I was five years old.


The Ninth Gate I used to be a real Johnny Depp fan but that movie sucked and the worst part is I actually spent the Bucks to go see it in the theater

Yeah. That movie was a damn disappointment.

Same here except I'm glad I didn't pay to see it.


The notebook bloody awful film

Simon1 Level 7 July 29, 2018

Thank you.... I have stayed in the closet about my distain of The Notebook. I

@Iamkratom lol yeah i do get a lot of flack for abusing it


The Wicker Man remake....what a total waste of a good idea.


The Village. Worst. Movie. Ever.

@maturin1919 That one's personal for me.

I enjoyed the twist at the end. And anything Bryce Dallas Howard is watchable for me 😉

@KCjoe108 That was the worst part! Saw that "twist" coming for miles. AND I fell asleep halfway through it.

Damn dude, good one. No one in my group saw it coming. We were all shocked.


I can't believe no one has said the "Twilight" movies. Any of them.
The three Star Wars prequels.

Agreed, on all of those movies.

Lol oh yeah! Twilight! I often wonder how the hell that author lucked out and made it famous when there’s so many super talented people who should have made it and never don’t. The universe is one cruel little ugh!

I didn't mention any of the Twilight films because I knew better than to watch them.

The Star Wars prequels, however, I'll admit I saw and disliked.


Forrest Gump, ET and the Goonies. 3 of my least favorite movies of all time.

ET is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I broke up with a girlfriend because I didn't like that movie. Well, she broke up wit me. The other to I am apathetic about.

I found ET to be a very stupid film.

I'm glad you guys said that! I get a lot of shit for hating ET. But it's so fucking dumb. And for some odd reason, it was the movie Grampa played every year at Christmas.

Goonies is the type of movie I usually enjoy. But for whatever reason, I never could.


I know I’m going to get flack for this but as a Minnesotan, I hated Fargo. Actually walked out of the movie half way through. Only movie I’ve ever done that.

Couple years ago I tried watching it again but still couldn’t get past the stupid accents and bumbling way they were portrayed.

The sheriff & her hubby were some of the most endearing people i have ever seen on the screen!

Although I enjoy the TV show, I never understood why the movie was popular.

It's humorous about reactions to THIS MOVIE. Both my nieces live in the Falls. I liked the movie but they both hated it. I saw it for what it was. Lampooning the MIN A SOTA folks. They looked at it as a documentary.


Titanic (not the b/w version). Three hours of my life I will never get back. When Rose said "Jack, it's so cold." Oh FFS Rose. There's Jack bobbing up and down in the frozen water, while you're lying on a price of wood used as a floatation device, but you're the cold one.

Refused to watch it as i knew the ending !!


Wow! Some truly excellent movies are being dissed here! ?
While I've made a career out of watching bad movies, for me the last truly absymal movie I saw was probably Mama (bloody) Mia.

There's a part 2.

@Iamkratom I know. Must be End of Days.

Heh... They have a part THREE now. Ugh. I've safely avoided all of them.




National lampoon's, Las Vegas Vacation. 5 of us walked out halfway through the movie.




Pan's Labyrinth. Dark and gruesome and had great reviews but just made me cringe throughout.

Hihi Level 6 July 28, 2018

Oh, I love that movie!

@KCjoe108 I know - apparently it's a great movie! I just couldn't stomach it.

Oh, I hear ya. It deals with some truly dark material.


Antichrist. It bothered me for a long time.


A horror movie called Candyman. Waste of as good hour and 40 minutes.


Eraserhead:grusome,depressing, psychotic. Had to leave theatre. David Lynch film.


Black Mirror (TV show) series 1, episode 1.

The other episodes are hit and miss for me, but I don't mind having seen them. I'd rather not have seen that one.


David Lynch's DUNE from 1984. When I came out of the theater, I didn't think that I was sorry that I saw it but that I was sorry that they made it.

Perhaps you are ready to return to a David Lynch film; may I recommend Eraserhead. Best to go in with a set timer to see how long you can tolerate it before leaving theatre.


The Piano. Hated the self-absorbed, selfish, immoral lead characters with a burning passion!

I have no love for McCoughney. When he thanked his God for an Academy Award, that was it.

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