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Conservative and liberal atheist

I’ve never liked the religious influence in the Republican Party but I’ve always saw the democrats as a threat to my way of life with there high taxes and excessive regulations so I’ve always voted republican.
Why do you suppose most of the atheist people on this website are left wing liberals.

Trajan61 8 Jan 10

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Same here for the most part.


I don't see any particular reason why atheism would necessarily impel a person to one side of the political spectrum or the other, unless some political entity makes a policy platform explicitly religious.

With that said, yes, one of the two major political parties in the United States has made an overt appeal to a particular religious denomination a significant part of its appeal for votes. This is unappetizing to people who do not identify with that religious denomination. It's even less appetizing because culturally, that religious denomination is sometimes equated with "being socially and culturally normal," or worse yet, "being morally good."

It's also the case that this same political party has some spokespeople who take a skeptical and contrarian view of certain scientific consensuses. This is in part because academia as a whole is ideologically identified with the opposite pole on the spectrum, and it's in part because those scientific consensuses lead to conclusions that appear to favor certain actions by the government that run counter to this party's preferred constellation of policies.

But the only thing about atheism, on its face, that all atheists have in common is a working understanding of the world as devoid of supernatural entities. From there, people are people and they have different opinions about a whole lot of things.

Unfortunately the only way the republicans can seem to win now days is with the support of the religious right wing. Trump himself is very likely not even Christain but caters to them because he knows he can’t win without their support.


I don't see most people on the site as beign left wing. I think most people here are fact based. The facts just tend to better support the left wing agenda more than it does th right wing agenda.

As far as democrats beign for taxes and regulations....

If you guy into the idea that republicans cut your taxes, you have been duped. They cut taxes on the rich. The federal government has less money, so they cut funds that go to state and local governments, who in turn raises fees and taxes on the local level. So, what happened in essence is that the taxes were really sut, but the tax burden was moved from the rich and coporations onto working people. That has been what has been happening ever since Reagan started the whoel trickle down con game. At least the democrats are honest about taxation. The government doesnt ever reduce spendign all that much, but rather nust moves numbers around and spends just as much as they always do. Somebody always ends up payign for it. If it isnt' the rich and coporations, then its you... unless you are rich.

Regulations are put into place to protect people. They insure a stable economy, and a clean environment in which to live. Removing regulations led directly to the economic crash in 2008. Putting fracking outside of EPA regulations has led to the contamination of drinking water for communities all across the country. Regulations are there for a good reason. When republicans dereguolate they never pay attention to the reasoning that was behidn the regulation beign put into place, but only care that regulatiosn cut into profits.

Republicans have since Nixon, started to put profits before people, and have done so more and more until today, they only care about profits, and the only people they care about anymore are the rich. They seldom consider the logn term consequences of their actions and how it will affect average people.

Sure seems like a lot of them are against Trump and almost all the bussiness men I know favor him. As a corporate business I will see my tax rate drop from a maximum of 35% to 21%. The Germans are worried now as we are now below their corporate rate of 28%. There are quite a few other people will benefit also. []


You won't ever find one.Liberals are for the most part progressive . I do not care for the term left wing . I do think I associate with the dems.because their policies tend toward the people and not the rich. I think that atheists are progressive thinkers freed from the chains of religion that provides us with open minds.


Atheism is a position arrived at by examining objective evidence and choosing the most logical conclusion. A lot of liberal positions are arrived at by the same process. Let's ignore the religion-based positions of the right (abortion, homosexuality, creationism) and focus on some others. Denial of climate change, for example. There is scientific consensus. How about economic policy? Cutting taxes for the wealthy and not investing in strong social programs and education has always led to growing inequality and deficits. Kansas, anyone? I'm not a big gun control advocate because I don't think it's fair to penalize responsible gun owners, but I won't argue that evidence demonstrates fewer guns equals less gun violence. I'm willing to go toe-to-toe on any of these points. I've never been able to find a conservative who can put forth a cogent argument defending the Republican platform, but maybe that unicorn exists here. Gauntlet thrown.

The number one cause of climate change is too many people and neither democrats or republicans will address that issue. At least Trump is trying to slow immigration but the liberals are fighting him tooth and nail over it. Hell in 2016 Obama’s last year we had 1.6 million immigrants which is about 600,000 more than the 10 year average.

The problem is too many people burning fossil fuels globally. It doesn't matter where they are. Going from climate change to immigration is a non sequitur. If you want to discuss immigration, okay. They commit crimes at a lower rate than native citizens and the number of illegal immigrants has declined in recent years. The true cost is difficult to pin down, but it's below 1% of the budget and that's not counting taxes paid by working immigrants.


The Righteous wrong promote love and caring within very rigid parameters, ultimately embracing a religion, which unfortunately now includes a political party.. The Liberal left include everyone, then attempt to ‘herd cats.’ One side preaches morality, the other practices it. One represents greed, the other generosity. Both can reach extremes, but the political process and parameters now in place are those of the extreme wrong, and it’s been a ‘slow boil’ ...

I’m relieved to see the vast majority ‘around here’ fall into the camp of compassion, not greed. In fact, I’m proud to be among them ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

I have no problem helping someone who needs it but I’ve saw a lot of them that are just looking for a handout from the government and the more they get the more they want.

@Trajan61 If you look only for the extremes, you’ll of course find them. I’ve more often watched ‘Democratic administrations’ curtail welfare abuse than Republicans, suspecting the R’s want it to remain as a rallying issue.. The overall reality is that Democrats, aka ‘Liberals’ look out for a wider array of society. Republicans, under the guise of ‘Conservatives,’ look out for their own…


How could you be an athiest and vote republican? My mind is blown. Republican politicians are still fighting the existant of climate change. They don't care about science or while we are at it, other people.

XIII Level 1 Jan 11, 2018

Because from an economic standpoint the republicans make a hell of a lot more sense. Trump knows he can’t win without the support of the religious right even though he’s probably an atheist himself.

@Trajan61 ‘From an economic standpoint’..? You mean the rich getting RICHER - at the expense of society? You had an R in charge for 8 years, we ended up in an Economic Freefall! (Call in the Dems!) And without an ounce of help from the R’s, President Obama brought us to the recovery we’re still riding. Economically - I’ll stand with those Dems 😉


Leftists like to pay their fair share of taxes and live in a culture of rules and regulations made by the people and for that benefit the whole and feel it is the civilized thing to do. We believe that when we lift up the poorest and most disadvantaged not just in our Nation but on the Planet, we benefit as a whole. We don't believe in 'every man for himself' and will make sacrifices to that end. Am I right, Liberals?

A lot of liberals would just as soon sit on their ass and draw a government check as work. Disability and welfare are both severely abused and make it hard to find anyone to work for you as many would just as soon do nothing and draw a government check.

@Trajan61 Ya know my neck of the woods.. You just described more Republicans than ‘Liberal Democrats.’ They live in their singlewides, new vehicles, too many animals, likely polishing their guns religious republican, while living off disability checks. Sure, put em to work 🙂

@Trajan61 Statistics prove otherwise. Check out the State of Tennessee, which votes conservative, but the majority of their population is on government assistance - etc.


Because conservative Republicans look to a more authoritarian type of leader. This conservative leader likes to profess in a belief of a Christian God with moral authority over all....BS.

Obama was for big government and higher taxes. He wanted the government to control everything and wanted to take money away from a hard working person and give it to someone who had no desire to work. His idiotic regulations cost this country billions of dollars. It’s the democrats who want more government and some of the republicans are that way too but not Trump. With the tax cut he’s trying to cut down the size of government. He’s also done away with a lot of stupid Obama era regulations.

@buck1977 ohh give me a break, qhwn it comes time to vote Repubs get in line like good little soldiers...they don't habe to think for themselves.

@Trajan61 So say/ said the dwindling number of all-out religious-republican trump supporters... Yah, that was the far-wrong religious-republican hate rhetoric aimed at one of this nation’s best and brightest Presidents. But I doubt you had the capacity to read his mind 🙂

@buck1977 No I'm not

@buck1977 only want less government in the issues they are concerned guys sure do like a big military, seem to be looking for war too.


It has never been accurate to demonise Dems over taxes and regulations. They are libertarians compared to the bulk of the developed world.

The democrats are becoming more and more socialist and socialism has never worked well anywhere.

@Trajan61 ...where have you been..? Socialism is at this very moment surpassing ‘US,’ while smiling, grinning ..and perhaps laughing…

@Trajan61 Bad news for you, if you look even at the rest of the democratic world your Dems are to the right of all but the nutters in other countries. Countries which run perfectly adequate, free democracies.


I think most Republicans have been fed a load of crap. Every time I hear one of them describe a liberal, they describe a straw man unlike any liberal I've ever met (and most of my friends are liberal). Most thinking people I know are non religious and are for separation of church and state. Most liberals I know are for less government controls on what women can do with their own reproductive systems, who you can or can't marry and whether or not you have to listen to a prayer before every meeting.
They're for protection for workers, and decent wages for hard working Americans, instead of billionaires hoarding money and paying slave wages. We get tired of all the "trickle down economics" and talk of "Job creators" which don't exist. We'd just like an even break every once in a while.
We love science and reason, and are tired of the flat Earthers telling us climate change isn't real, and the universe is 6,000 years old.

I’m a republican atheist and I fully support a woman’s right to an abortion. I also think medical and recreational marijuana should be legal nationwide. I also am a strong believer in science and evolution. But I think the democrats with their high taxes excessive regulations and socialist ideas are bad for the country. Unfortunately the only way the Republican Party can win is with the support of the religous right wing.


I'm a moderate Independent. I was a republican before that, but Saint Ronnie and the increased influence of religion cured me of that.
I don't think it's accurate to demonize democrats over taxes anymore. Not after what the republicans have just done. I also think the republicans are far too concerned with controlling people's private lives and enforcing bullshit 'christian values'. They aren't the same party they used to be.
I also believe that the regulations enacted to protect the lives and health of average Americans are worth the burden put on corporations. Especially considering that corporations have been contaminating the environment with impunity, for a very long time.
I'm old enough to remember Love Canal, and Three-Mile Island. Not to mention the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India. There are numerous other environmental disasters caused by corporations skimping on safety to save a buck. Or just blatant disregard altogether.
Democrats aren't that much better, but at least they exhibit more concern for the American people than republicans do. I think they're opposite sides of the same coin. We need more than just two main parties. Although, I think the republicans need to go the way of the Whigs they replaced in 1854.
Today's republican party is garbage. I think many atheists are left-leaning and liberal, because republicans have become the party of religutards, racists, corporate shills, homophobes, polluters, reich-wing whackjobs, and misogynists. I mean, look at who they put at the head of their party.

Obama was a regulation nut whose costly regulations cost this country billions for little gain. Hell he even considered cows to be a major source of global warming! What about the 80 million buffalo who used to roam here in the US? They’re a lot worse sources of pollution than cows.

@Trajan61 ...ok.. I’ll try to stop here.. Perhaps such uninformed retretoric and mangled facts will go further to expose an underlying thought process than arguing with it 🙂

@Trajan61 perhaps buffalo were worse, but they are gone now, and the industrial age hadn't quite started where they were hanging out. Additionally, Obama did a lot more good than harm. Especially since McConnell made it clear that he would get no cooperation from the Republican Congress. 45 can't get anything done for the America people even with the republicans controlling both Congress and the Executive. It's too easy to refute your claims because history provides all the evidence to the contrary.


I don't particularly have a problem with Republican philosophy, but it seems to be in control by conservative Christians. You would think someone in support of individual freedom would support gay rights and marijuana. However, that is not the case. Most people who are anti intellectual, creationists and global warming deniers, will most likely fall on the political right.

However, I really do not like sjw's either. They are incredibly frustrating and trying to force people to feel a certain way. They ruin free speech and no one is allowed to have a counter opinion without getting offended. Everyone is afraid to have an opinion.

That's just the problem though. The "republican philosophy" isn't the same as it was before the 80s.

@KKGator I agree with you =)

I seriously doubt Trump is a Christain but he knows no conservative can win without the support of the religious right.


Probably because we believe that affordable healthcare, respect, dignity, safe and affordable housing, etc. should be the right of the people and should not be reserved for the rich, white, conservative old men who are calling all the shots.

No one is being denied health care but I have a problem with people who refuse to buy healthcare insurance having the same care as someone who buys it. Hell I’ve saw people who refused to buy health care insurance gamble their money away at the casino when they could be using it to buy a Cadilac health care plan.


How your way of life is threat now that you feel need of this place?


Because we're open minded intelligent adults? Why do you think so many on this site are liberal and atheist?

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