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Well, her depiction of a modern feminist showed beyond any doubt we weren't going to see any reasoned argument. Made it through about 15 seconds afterwards that included several false arguments before I quit. Assuming this was posted as an example of how to string false arguments together to convince yourself and others who don't engage in critical thinking of whatever of whatever BS you are promoting?

An extended ad hom posing as argument. With highly cherry picked evidence and tu quoque fallacies thrown in, and that was just the first 30 seconds.


I'd like to take my "pussy hat" and shove it in her mouth. When she gets older and hopefully more mature and gets screwed in gender gap issues she can thank the feminists for taking up the cause. Don't forget the Woman's March, Jan 21st..Washington and all over. Try coming there and explaining your views.

@M121 All the time. Female construction workers are a regular part of the landscape, even in my conservative city. Delivery drivers the same. The two best set carpenters I know are female. I will grant that I've yet to meet a female mechanist who can lift as much as the big boys, but then neither can most of the men. They're the big boys for a reason.

@M1211) Men are more likely to enter jobs that require long hours. Why is that? Oh that's right most women, even now in first world countries, bear the majority of the burden of raising kids. Being a single dad myself I know damn well how much overtime you can do with kids in tow, it ain't much. This right here is institutionalised sexism regardless of what old mate in the video thinks. (Just perhaps he needs to do a bit more reading on what constitutes institutional/systemic sexism. Hint Weinberg is only the most obvious part.) 2) Men are more likely to ask for raises. WHY? This bloke is a tool. He looks at the surface and never cares to ask why these things should be. From his point of view benches are made from laminex and paint. 3) Cf 1) It's even right there in the video yet he chooses to ignore the reasons behind it. Either he's running a study in confirmation bias or he's drunk the neo-liberal Koolaid according to which only business (specifically wealthy businesses) matters and the workers can go fuck themselves, with a pineapple, sideways. Men go to work even when they are sick, reducing productivity for themselves and others in the hope of looking macho. This is actually a bad thing for all concerned. The boss who values this is a terminal fuckwit. In this case women should be paid more because they're being less of a drag on the business.Enough already. If this is the standard of his argument his primary thesis has been refuted time and again, not least in his own video. What an appalling load of cherry picked and confirmation-biased load of shite. Possibly the worst argument I've seen for the MRA explanation of the pay gap. The statistical one, that there are more low paid jobs for women as the men who used to occupy the same pay scales have been automated or off-shored out of work and therefore don't appear in the wage statistics, is far more accurate, but still not a complete explanation.


These are the rantings of someone who seems to put no effort in dealing with facts on the matter.

Feminism might have had a few bad eggs that gave it a bad name, but their issues aren't just women's issues, as they affect the whole of society.
In the matters of civic, economic, and social equality they are necessary.

That being said, being pro-feminist and still standing up for men's issues should never be conflicting.
In the matters of equality, no person should be "more equal" than any other.
Therefore, when feminism teeter's on that line, it is our responsibility to keep them from tipping over the line into the areas of oppression.


I support women's rights and I support men's rights. Modern feminism is a bastardization of women's rights which throws men under the bus.


Do some research...its all good not bad.

@M121. That's fare.


My mom rose to the rank of post master in my home town, which was actually quite an achievement for a woman back in the 60's and 70's. She hated feminists with a passion.

She always used to tell me that there is a big differeence between a woman who works for equal rights and one who is a feminist. According to her, if feminists were actually more interested in obtaining equal rights than they were in marching in the streets and burning their bras, they'd be in the work place making a difference and proving themselves.

I don't entirely agree with my mom's views. I still believe that she wouldn't have gotten as far as she did without the marches and bra burnings of the 60's and 70's. However, I think change would have eventually arrived even without radical action. The only difference is, I don't think we'd be saddled today with the view of feminism which this vlogger speaks of.


She sure is missing the point. She doesn't even know what feminism is. Then again, neither do most of the people who treat it like it's a bad thing. That said, a lot of women have taken the idea to it's most ridiculous extreme, which hasn't helped.
I've been a feminist my entire adult life. It hasn't run off a man yet. Other things, definitely, but never my being a feminist.

@M121 It's confusing because it's horribly misrepresented by people like this youtuber, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk. Feminism is the radical idea that women are human beings.


Definition of feminism
1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests.
Feminism is NOT a dirty word.

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