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When Christians say things like "You have no morals, you think you can do anything", I reply "If an atheist murders someone the atheist expects to be held accountable for their actions. A Christian who murders someone expects to be 'Forgiven'". Whom would you feel safer with?
What do you think of my response?

DavidLaDeau 8 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I like your response. It's straight to the point with no fluff. I really hate the term "forgive". It's just a omission of guilt if someone asks for it. If you've wronged someone and that person can get past it and move on without giving another thought about you or what you did. Awesome! If you've done something so awful to another person that it effects their life and you ask for forgiveness to make yourself feel better. You don't deserve shit but to have that guilt eat away at your soul.

I have been wrestling with the term "forgive" recently. If someone rapes, tortures and kills my daughter and expresses no remorse, I can "forgive" them. What does that mean? I suddenly love them and am ok with it? No I'd probably be very angry and have a right to be. I'm not saying we should be human and not give people second chances, but "just forgive". It sounds like bull.


Excellent, also Christians are trying to score points with God every time they do a good deed , but we are simply being ourselves good or bad.????


The "you have no morals" line is a dangerous one, as it's meant to make an individual look at you as a lesser being; or worse, not even a being.
If you ever ask someone who says this is what their "morals" are, they will dive into a diatribe of how morals "come from God". -Which is not something anyone can debate. You cannot reason with the religious.

I find the best route is to find examples of people outside of their religion that they might respect or have admiration for. Then ask them about those individual's "morals" based on their lives/good work. -or- the opposite. Find an individual who is of the same religion who has absolutely zero morals, and see if the person still sees them as having "the same" morals.

If you're lucky, they will begin to reconsider the word "moral" towards the concept they are trying to convey. If you're luckier, you'll get them to think about what morals are.

If you're successful, you have WAY more patience and tact than I.


Yup the folks who went to confession every week and went out and did it all again the next week. I agree with you. The atheist is safer, And being more footed in reality understands if caught that they'll pay for it!


Safer with the atheist Response is cool

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