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I've read a few great books that discuss love, sex and relationships from an open, free thinking worldview.

Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality,
Sex at Dawn,
The Ethical Slut (dealing with open/poly issues),

All three have helped shape my worldview, marriage and life for the better

Would love to hear what books have worked for others here in this arena

MonkeyInShoes 3 Jan 11

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They guy who wrote "Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality" is very sex positive. I've met him several times in. You should find him on FaceBook. He's a hoot.

Darrel Ray, that is.

I've meet him a number of times myself. great guy


Have you read "Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex"? It is wild and pretty amazing. There is also a book "Sex at Dusk". The "Sex at Dawn" is a must read. Also, Jared Diamond's "The World Until Yesterday". It's a bit long and slow but has a lot of valuable information.


50 Shades of Grey

I don't think it was Grey enough for me. Nice concept though 🙂

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