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QUESTION We’ve been told we’re living in a post-truth age. Don’t believe it.

More examples of the boomerang effect would be presented in the years that followed. In 1973, for example, psychologists presented evidence that the social message of the TV sitcom All in the Family had backfired. The show’s creators aimed to skewer and rebut the attitudes of its central character, the bigot Archie Bunker. But when scientists surveyed high school students in a Midwest town, they found that the most prejudiced teenagers in the group were the ones most likely to be watching Archie every week. “The program is more likely reinforcing prejudice and racism than combating it,” the researchers concluded.

zblaze 7 Jan 11

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I'm still getting used to the post-irony world after 9/11.


Truth always matters and always will. This age of an administration characterized by incessant lying, of propaganda masquerading as news, and of planted fake news will pass -- but we must be igilant in exposing and denouncing it all.


Only if we don't demand proof.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 11, 2018
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