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Is there such a thing as an Atheist Foodie?

Among my friends, many are atheists and many are foodies. But I don't think any of them are both.
I am an atheist foodie. What about you?

Today I had pupusas for lunch. Delicious!

Erick67 6 Aug 9

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We don't believe in God. We do believe in food.


I used to live near Los Angeles. Ate somewhere new anytime I wanted. I also used to be a caterer and I'm an excellent cook. So yes, I'm a foodie and an atheist.


Sure and we all gush over each dish and declare it heaven. Unless it's guacamole, in which case, the lakes of hell are filled with that nasty stuff!


What exactly is an atheist foodie?

A non believer that likes to eat great meals I guess. I dunno...

@Erick67 That's what I thought but figured that was too simple lol

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