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So does anyone out there have any good friends that they are able to have friendly conversations about religion with.

My friend Stephen is a very devout Christian. We have had some really great conversations about the larger themes that one finds in a multitude of religions and philosophies.

For instance: One cannot go through life without causing some kind of harm to others. No matter how hard one tries, one will inevitably make some kind of mistake or judgement in error that will hurt another, even if just emotionally. We feed ourselves by killing other organisms.

Thus the Christian concept of Redemption, or Buddhist ideas of Suffering and Forgiveness, for Non-Believers it is the principle of taking responsibility for one's actions.

What people and conversations have you had the opportunity to enjoy?

Epic-curious 5 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I think I follow more of the harm principle, do the least amount of harm possible to all parties, including yourself, and try for the highest gain for all parties, also including yourself. I don’t have any Christian friends that can keep up or understand. The only thing they seem to take an interest in is the fake things in the Bible, even though I can look past much of the fairytale for a moral, they get upset if you don’t accept it fully. The only person smart enough to talk to was an old pastor who is now retired, but I make him very uncomfortable.

So are you a Classical Utilitarian or a Rule Utilitarian?

I just did some looking up and I think I follow more of a mix of act and rule utilitarian model. I generally follow the same guidelines for making a choice, but I’m also not adverse to breaking those guidelines to achieve a better or instant outcome. The example they use on google is how rule says to stop at every red light no matter what for the highest utility in the grand scheme, whereas act claims that you should weigh each visit to that same red light based on the utility of that single act. I stop at every red light and do my best to follow the rules, even the people around me think I’m a stickler for the rules, but if an exception to the rules does occur, I will change my fixed actions for better outcomes in a single moment, I’m also not against slacking once in a while and relaxing or indulging for mental health, even though it does not really help in the grand scheme, it’s nice to have a break.@Epic-curious I’ll continue to look into the terms, but this took me a long time. Am I close?

Found out what I’ve been describing is called Two level utilitarianism @Epic-curious

One of the issues this thought process has is that it separates the intuitive and critical thoughts, but I find its best to step back every now and again to examine your intuitive thoughts critically, though I’ll admit I do occasionally become complacent or what they call weak of will. @Epic-curious


NO, my friends are atheists, I know a couple of christians but apparently I hurt their feelings if religion is discussed.

I get told "be nice...don't make them cry" I respond with "tell them to not try and save me" lol


My coworker (southern baptist) wants to pick my brain on somethings... doubt he'll find much. Eh


I do. My girlfriend Lydia. She is extremely is her husband. We have discussed religion countless times w/o any problem.


I have a great friend is a southern baptist. he respect that I have different ideas. Have known him over 30 years he never tries to sell me on coming over to his side of belief.


I have a few curious friends that like to hear my input on these things because they know I'm more versed in these subjects than them and my general dislike of religion. They get a kick out of it while some others lightly tow the apologist line, which I'll steer clear of those debates with them.




I have a good group of friends that I can have good conversations with and we have had many. It is a good mixed collection with of followers of Catholicism, Judaism, Pagans, Non-believers and others. We know each other well enough that we can joke with each other and know it is not in malice.


I honestly don't want to talk about it as its just crap.being a none believer all my life I never made religious friends. lost a few that turned to religion.


All of the people I am friends with are atheists, agnostics, or only follow a religion culturally but don't really believe in it... I've had discussions about religion but it isn't that interesting to me. Sometimes I am interested in hearing what they believe, especially if they follow a religion that I don't know anything about. However, when they try to convince me to join up and don't back off right away, I'll refute their arguments until they stop or I walk away. It's like arguing with my dog, I'm just wasting time and energy.


I made friends with the pastor of a Baptist Church. He would call me to be his Devil's Advocate. When things started to go awry with bickering in the church, he quit and went back to school and became a nurse. He is still religious but much less so and we're farther apart (location) so I don't see him too often any more, but we're still friends.

gearl Level 8 Jan 15, 2018

Ugh I would kill to have access to people with whom I can have fulfilling face-to-face discussionsthat 1) satisfy what is for me a base level of intellectual abstraction and 2) remain cordial despite disagreemt, emotional charge, etc. ...on any topic; religion one great one. But I'm a misanthropic hermit, so ....


Thank you everyone for your contributions. I am interested in Comparitive Religion not because I think it is the expression of a non-existent Divine, but because it is a creation of Human Beings and speaks to Human Needs and Desires.


Yes, still do, only she's an atheist now. 😉

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